Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Road Trip Review ~ Seville, OH

 The last stop on our excellent adventure was to the Seville Antique Mall in Seville, OH.  Several years ago, an acquaintance, who has an antique collection to die for, recommended this shop.  It was on my wish list.   While we were in Brimfield, Lynne and I ran into another acquaintance, Jill,  who coordinates one of our most loved antique shows.  She also sang the praises of this store.  One look at each other and we knew we were headed to Seville!
 Seville is a very small town in Ohio.  This shop is much, much larger than it looks from the outside, and has many rooms.

 Each room is occupied by different vendors, but it all flows so nicely.  A pleasure to shop there.  You can really see everything!
 As you can see, it's full of wonderful, good stuff.   Old stuff...the real deal.
If you're like us, you want to find nineteenth century antiques....not of the twentieth  century.'s not an antique if I remember seeing it in my house or my grandma's house!  
The Seville Antique Mall will always have a place in my heart because it's where I found this spice box.   I can't tell you how many years I looked for one.  I see vertical spice boxes all the time, and they are lovely, for sure, but I've only seen a horizontal spice box once before in a friends home, and have longed for one ever since.  I had one of those "am I really seeing what I think I'm seeing" moments in the shop.  This particular spice box is really unique because of the tin spice name tabs for each drawer.  Needless to say, I took it home and it makes me so happy to look at every day.  

The thing about places like Lancaster, Brimfield and Seville is the wonder and thrill of the hunt.  It's no fun to search and search and find nothing but 8 track tapes, and Shirley Temple glassware.  
But...when you go to a really great may find a treasure you've wanted for years, or something you never knew you wanted until that moment!  It really helps to know of great places to look....and so I hope after reading these blog posts, that if you're looking for our kind of good stuff, you have a few places to visit.  We did leave some great stuff behind for you!

Click here to pick up information about the Brimfield Antique Show, and click here for the Seville Antique Mall.  Happy Shopping!


  1. I couldn't believe it when I saw Seville in your title! My mom and dad live a block from that Antique shop! What a coincidence!

  2. Wow, what a great shop. Looks like there are lots of treasures to be found. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh, I wish that antique mall was nearby! I am tired of browsing aisle after aisle of junk, trying to find those few vintage items that make me smile (and reach for my wallet)!
    LOVE that spice drawer set! What a find!!

  4. Wow, would I be in trouble visiting that antique mall. Thank you for sharing the photos. Glad you had such a good time.

  5. What a great place! Love your spice did you wipe the grin off your face when you saw it...giggle! Glad you had such a successful time!

  6. OMGosh my heart is racing as i look at all those gorgeous goodes on display.. what an AMAZING place!! There are so many lovely prim/colonial treasures.. i'd love to be able to have a closer look.. DROOL!!!
    Pam, i love, love, LOVE your spice chest.. it's a gem, what a GREAT find!! Don't you just love it when you see that 'special' something that makes you go weak at the knees lol!! cheers...Marian

  7. That spice cabinet is just wonderful! I've NEVER seen a horizontal one -- will forever be on the lookout for one now!

  8. What wonderful treasures, I wish we could buy such lovely old goodies here in New Zealand.

  9. Oh my, now I have to find one of those spice boxes, thanks a lot! ;)
    Wish I could browse in that place, but maybe it's good I can't, at least for my wallet. Glad you had such a good time!
