Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cozy Quilts Is Here!!

Several weeks ago, I mentioned that my friend, Tara Darr's new book, Cozy Quilts, and now it has made its debut!  Well....last week, I finally got my copy (I've been just a little anxious!), and thought I'd share some of the goodies I'm jazzed about.  

 Here's a look at my favorites from the book....  

 Tara's specialty is combining lovely cottons.....

 With those luscious wools.
Tara most certainly has a gift for this!

 While I love all the quilts in the book, I guess I'm partial to those with the black background.  It really makes those colors pop!

 If you've never worked with wool...no worries!  Her book includes loads of good, basic information.....

Along with her tried and true hints and tips!  Love the book as much as I do?  Click here to order!
Enjoy....I know you will.

I'll be visiting the Kokomo Piecemakers Quilt Guild in Kokomo, IN next week!  If you'd like to attend, on Tuesday, July 23rd, I'll be giving my lecture, Making-Do: Honoring Our American Quilting Heritage.  The meeting, held at UAW 685 Chrysler Union Hall, located at 929 E. Hoffer St., in Kokomo begins at 7pm.  There are just two more spots open for my workshop, Sugar Mountain, and you don't have to be a guild member to attend!  If you're interested, please email Cheryl at cgarner2845@comcast.net for information.  Did you know I vend at guild shows?  If you're in the area, we'd love to see you!

Don't forget....next month I'll be teaching at The Buggy Barn's big event in Reardon, WA!!  The dates I'll be there are August 20 & 21st.  Click here for all the details about Buggy Barn's Outdoor Quilt Show and Folk Art Sale.

The news is wonderful about our upcoming Great Girlfriend Get-Away to St. Augustine!!  Lynne and I are sooo jazzed to have so many of you joining us!!  We can hardly wait.  However...if you're thinking about coming, you shouldn't wait to sign up!!!  

Did you know you DO NOT have to pay any money until September 20th??
If you're considering joining the fun with us in St. Augustine...please don't wait to get your name on the list!!  Space is filling, and I know many people who are thinking about coming.  Call our lovely retreat coordinator, Bunny, today, and add your name...and while you're at it...add a few girlfriends, too!!  

Click here to see all the details about our trip to historic St. Augustine, FL this January.

Contact Bunny at (815) 715-8483

See you Friday morning for our next Nabby's Dowry Sew~Along block!!


  1. Oh, those little quilts by Tara are SO nice. Love black backgrounds, too. I will have to put that book on my want--no NEED--list.
    Looks like you have lots of fun things coming up! Wish it wasn't all so far away. : )

  2. Looks like a fabulous book with plenty of "doable" projects! Thanks for sharing some of the quilts in it!

  3. Looks like a wonderful book! Thanks for sharing...and your Florida trip looks wonderful! What a time you will have!
