Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Finding Time to Sew

My hubby and I took a little trip to Las Vegas over the Fourth of July holiday.  It was nice to get away just to play and relax, but always so good to come home.  It seems there's always so much computer work or paper work to do....you, too?  It hard to find some time to sew, and I miss it terribly.  So, I'm trying to set aside time everyday, even if it's just a half hour.  I do some of my best thinking while pushing pieces thru the machine.  

The labeled fabrics above are for another Journey Five project.  Deb is also piecing one, which marks the last of the six Journey Five projects.  Once these are completed, only the bonus project remains, and that project has been occupying my thoughts for more than 6 months.  I know it will be decision time very soon!  

Have you been keeping up with all the news coming from my friend, Gloria Parsons (Olde Green Cupboard Designs)?  If you haven't, you really need to know because she's got a whole lot of FUN stuff going on!!  You may remember that Lynne and I went to see Gloria last January in Florida at Camp Blanding.  Well....Gloria, and her twin sister, Vicky, are new designers for Marcus Fabrics!  Their first fabric line, Londonderry Garden, is coming out soon, and they have been playing with their sample yardage, creating all kinds of new and wonderful goodies with it.  You can see what they've been up to on their blog.  They also launched a new website, and are teaching on a quilting cruise next June.  Do yourself a favor and spend some time getting to know Gloria and Vicky....they inspire me every day!!  

Have you been working on making your Half Square Triangles for the sew-along?  I know it's a lot of them, but remember, after this step, you'll be assembling blocks from here out.  The first block will post on Friday morning!  


  1. Gloria has some gorgeous projects!

  2. Yikes...I better step up my efforts to be ready for Friday!

  3. Blocks all done! waiting in anticipation for the next step. Love the fabrics!
