Friday, August 2, 2013

Nabby's Dowry Sew~Along Part Five

Fancy meeting you here on a Friday!  We're already on Block Four!  

 Arrange (16) HST as shown....

Sew together into rows, press in opposite directions or open.  Sew rows together; press.  Yup...your block should measure 6 1/2" unfinished.

Forgive me sounding like a broken record each week.  Imagine I'm saying all this with an Australian accent!  I love their accent!  

Just a little reminder that if you're even thinking about joining Lynne Hagmeier and me in 

St. Augustine, FL

January 20-24th for our next Great Girlfriend Get~Away Retreat, please...don't hesitate to call now to hold your spot.  We've had a wonderful response to this event, and reservations are filling quickly.  

All you have to do is phone Bunny (815-715-8483), our travel coordinator, and add your name to the list!  You pay nothing until Sept 20th!!  This way, you'll have your spot and won't miss a thing.
While you're at it, grab a friend or two...the more the merrier!!

Click here to see all the retreat info and the projects that are included in this great price!!


  1. I know I'm going to wish I was making this quilt along with you, but reality was yelling at me, and I had to listen! : )

  2. Mmmm yes I'm with Janet, I wish I was making that quilt too.......still it is fun watching!

  3. Love the colors, beautiful star!!

  4. I've blogged about my block.

    Looking forward to tomorrow's block. :)
