Friday, November 22, 2013

Crazy About Quilts

As promised, I put the Random Number Generator to work this morning, to choose a winner for this package of yummy Judie R. miniature fabrics.  The winner is......

Sandie....who is crazy about quilts,  left this comment:
Wow! I really like that block! And all the quilts! Oh my! I needed to wipe a little drool off of my keyboard before I could write anything! B-) ~not glasses, bug-eyes! LOL I love BOM's because they keep me focused and I like the end result of having all the blocks done and a quilt top together. I'm not a big fan of fabric in kits because I have found myself short-changes too many times and I like to make my blocks a little different than everyone else's. That's just me. LOL Thanks for the chance!!

 The Authentic Miniatures collection will be in your local quilt shops in January.  Click here to see the entire collection on-line.  

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who left a comment.  It's so interesting to read all your thoughts about BOM's.  In the end, like Sandie, we're all crazy about quilts, right?  And, since variety is the spice of life, there's something for everyone!

Personally, I do like BOM's and have participated in my fair share.  What draws me to do one is the challenge.  I love a sampler quilt, and the smaller and harder the blocks, the more I like it.  I think all quilters love puzzles, and in essence, we all put fabric puzzles together.  I have to love the fabrics, too, of course.  I'm lucky to have a mighty stash, but that doesn't stop me from joining a BOM.  

Case in point....I purchased The Cotton Club BOM, designed by Red Crinoline Quilts,  because I loved the blocks, the red and brown colors, and all the fabrics.  It was a great way to buy and play with every fabric in the line.  I also bought the Civil War Diaries BOM (available in 6 inch or 3 inch blocks.  Guess which one I'm making?!) from The Temecula Quilt Company.  Shop owner, Sheryl Johnson, does a remarkable job of choosing and pairing great CW fabrics in ways I may never have, and thus, I learn from her.  The same applies to shop owner Julie Hendricksen of JJ Stitches.  I trust Sheryl and Julie's taste and can't wait to see what comes in the mail!  

I'm really OK with taking my time to complete projects.  Most of those BOM's are in production.  You may call them UFO's, but I don't think of them that way.  If I get bored with piecing one, then I move onto something smaller, to complete it so I have that sense of satisfaction in between larger projects.  There are many quilts that I do as time goes by.  No rush....just enjoying the ride.  Another plus, I think, is if I've had them for a few years (ah-hem....quite a few to be honest), when I bring them out to work on them, I'm falling in love with the fabrics all over again. When I get one done (and I do complete them eventually!), they are my pride and joy. Masterpieces, if you will.....and I took my time with them.  Like most of you, I have piles of quilt kits.  I savor them, knowing they're waiting for me, and will be there when I'm ready.  When it's time to pick a new quilt to make, I'm a kid in a fabric candy store!

Isn't quilting grand?!!


  1. Congrats to Sandie! Sounds like she truly will enjoy this block! I used BOM's as a way to learn quilting. I got the basic techniques from reading here and there and watching youtube videos. Then, the Blocks came one a month and were a non-intimidating way to take on a large quilt. I've since signed on (but haven't completed) about 6 BOM's... lol! Yes... even the new Summer Block of the Weeks that are entering the quilting equation! Absolutely LOVED what Temecula put together for us this past Summer... still working on it though it's long past Summer... I've learned to enjoy the process... not rush to the finish... :-)

  2. It is interesting to get everyone's take on BOMs--including yours.
    Congrats to your lucky winner! : )

  3. i LOVE that production! sounds so much less mysterious and more task oriented than UFO...may i use it?

  4. You are making 3 inch CW diary blocks!!?? OMGosh! I can't wait to see a few. ;-) I love challenges too. Thank you so much for the win!~ I can't wait to play with it!! Have a great weekend!

  5. I love BOM's. It's so exciting getting my little packages in the mail. I have a few in production and a couple starting. Come on Pam give one. I'll sign up.
