Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Inspirations in Iowa

It's been a little busy here with all kinds of stuff going on, hence the pause in blog posts.  Trust that I have good intentions of blogging everyday, but alas, I'm not always able.  In this case, being busy is a good thing!  I settled my next fabric line which is due to make its debut in January, and finalized the design of the quilt that will go with it.  Very exciting.  I still pinch myself, believe me!!  All of that designing takes inspiration.   In my case, my creativity needs to be fed.  Alot!  So, when I can I get out to do some antiquing, read about early American life, look through old magazines (yes, old ones!) and of course, get out and about where there's plenty of fabric.  This also enables me to feed my stash!  A happy two-fer!

On my way home from Iowa a few weeks ago, my pal Docia and I made a stop at Inspirations Quilt Shop in Hills, Iowa.  When I walked in it was J*O*Y!!

As you can see, there's loads of good quilty stuff in the shop.  Never mind the display of my American Gothic fabric collection greeting me as I stepped in the door....which did make me smile!  

I'm hear to tell ya that Inspirations lives up to its name!  Owner Nancy Lackender and her family did an awesome job of rehabbing this old building.  You can tell they put a lot of thought into what a great quilt shop needs, and you'll find it all inside these walls.  

While they have something for everyone, they have a large selection of Civil War reproductions, which of course made me a happy shopper!  

Top it off with really great lighting and a super friendly staff, and you get the feeling you want to stay all day.

Upstairs, Nancy created an open, airy classroom.  They also feature a rotating trunk show of quilts all made by local quilters!  How cool is that?!  If you're in the area (not too far from the Amana Colonies ~ another of my favorite haunts) do yourself the favor of shopping at Inspirations!

Here's another reminder to send me a photo of your Nabby's Dowry quilt TOP.  Remember, it does NOT have to be quilted!!  You have until December 1st, so please do email the photo.  Everyone wants to see your quilt!!


  1. Wow, I would love to have a shop like that near me!!
    You are one busy lady with all of these fabric lines coming out!

  2. Oh yes - loads of inspiration!! What a gorgeous shop.

  3. Hi Pam!

    We were at " Inspirations" last week when we were taking our annual fall trip through the Amana's , Williamsburg and Kalona. We left a dent in each spot! The fall colors were outstanding, too!!!

    Carolyn :)

  4. What a beautiful well stocked quilt store. I wish I could hop in my Pilot tomorrow and head over there, then I could visit my grand daughter as well. I'm thinking that's not going to happen, but I can dream...

  5. If I lived near a shop like this, I'd spend ALL my time (and money) there! Maybe it's for the best....

  6. WOW! That is some quilt shop--gives me a reason to make an Iowa road trip

  7. Quilt shop to die for! Wish it was here.i can only imagine your delight upon seeing American Gothic displayed so beautifully!

  8. Gosh... I wish we would have been with you. What a great idea to showcase quilts from your customers. Such a sweet idea and such a compliment to your customers. I'll have to tell my shop here in town about that idea!

  9. Oooooh! This is such a beautiful shop! Sure wishing I was a bit closer to Iowa! Love the American Gothic quilt displayed!

  10. Such an awesome shop.Can´t imagine how happy you have been there,I`ve never seen a quilt shop like that around here,my area or big city.Thanks for the pics!!

  11. I'm calling the gals in my Bee to suggest we road trip to Hills SOON. Not that far away for us, and a must-see shop for us. Thanks for the recommendation and the great pictures.
