Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Good Read

A few weeks ago, I picked up a copy of this book by Sarah Maxwell & Dolores Smith, all about nurses of the Civil War.  If you enjoy reading about early American history, this is something you won't want to miss.  It is full of wonderful stories about how nine women became nurses during the course of the Civil War, often mistreated and unwanted by the doctors despite the overwhelming need for care by the wounded.  Several went on to make lasting contributions still in effect today.

Treat yourself, or someone special, this Christmas to a wonderful read.....not to mention some pretty inspiring quilts!

Off to wrap presents!


  1. I hadn't seen this one, but it sounds like it is something I would love. Thanks so much for the recommendation...I'll be adding it to my wish list!

  2. Thank you for telling us about it~ we are a family of nurses and former nurses, so I would love to get a copy!

  3. I'll have to keep my eyes open for this one. Sounds fascinating!

  4. Thank you! I love that kind of thing. At the least, I will try to get it from the library, or put it on my wish list at Amazon.

  5. thanks for showing this book Pam, it look like my kind of read!

  6. Looks great.I`ll put it on my book wish list.Have a fun day!!

  7. Pam, you might be interested in reading My Name is Mary Sutter by Robin Olivera. It is about a woman who wants to become a doctor during the Civil War and all the difficulties that she must overcome. Sorry to say but there are no quilts mentioned but the book was quite good.

    Cheryl told me that you liked your pincushion.

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Hi Charlotte Your book recommendation is already on my wish in "wish" I had time to read it! Thanks for thinking of me, and YES, I love my pincushion!! Merry Christmas to you as well!!

  8. Bought that book & several other CW quilting books on Amazon the other day....Merry Christmas to me!...
