Sunday, December 8, 2013

Nabby's Dowry "Airing of the Quilts" ~ Part Three

At last!  The house is all trimmed and 95% of my shopping is done.  Christmas is coming fast!  Now, the wrapping will begin.  I remember in my younger days, I'd have my house decorated, gifts bought and wrapped and under the tree much earlier.  So much so, that I used to have to dust the presents!  I don't know how I did that?  I suppose it was BC (before children) and we were renters, and...well...a lot has changed.  Funny how our Christmases (lives!) have changed over the years.

Well...onto more interesting endeavors than my reminiscences.  Here's the next batch of lovely and inspiring quilts made by some very talented quilters from around the world.....Enjoy!

Judith from New Hampshire

Judy D in Washington.  It looks like Judy made a miniature version!!  So adorable.  Gosh...those little, tiny blocks get me every time!!  I have another mini to show you soon.

Janet from New Jersey
Karen J from Oregon...lovin' the stripe border!!

Karen S from I seeing some make-do sashing, Karen?  Love that!

Kathy from Ontario, Canada....very striking with the brown plaid setting triangles!  Good job!

Kerry from Melbourne, Australia
Lesley from Nova Scotia, Canada   Lesley's photo is not black and white.  She made her quilt is grays, neutrals and black.  The design really pops, doesn't it!

Lucille from Ohio

Marcia from Ohio

Marcia from Texas.......who also sent along a photo of the quilt as it is displayed in her home.

Marcia said it was the perfect quilt to go along with her rooster and lovely red dishes.  It sure looks great!!  Love the table, too, Marcia!!

I don't know about you, but I'm just lovin' the show of all the different versions of Nabby.  The show will continue in one more post....coming soon!

Among the hustle and bustle of the season, take time to enjoy the festivities and the reason for the season.  I think I'll take my own advice!


  1. More eye-candy! These are all so great. (And even more with the plaid border!) Seriously, was there some sort of memo that went out about that fabric?

  2. What a fun little quilt show! I love the way the colors change the whole look of the design. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Just love them all. The variations are amazing!

  4. Another lovely show. Oh that plaid for the setting triangles, wonderful! And the miniature stole my heart.

  5. Not only is the quilt show fun, but I love your Christmas memories! Would really enjoy seeing some of the "trimmings" in your home this holiday season! : )

  6. I enjoy hearing of your traditions and reminiscing. I guess mine is a Miniature one too. I use my Bonus Triangle squares to make mine like Judy D did. I enjoyed making mine, it is still waiting for the quilting. These really are form all over!
