Friday, June 20, 2014

Market Day Sew~along / Part Nine

I sure hope you've enjoyed the sew-along thus far.  We're nearing the end.  Not too many more blocks to make....I'm getting anxious to show you the quilt!  Are you getting anxious, too?

Remember, the cutting instructions for the smaller size blocks will be listed in red.

Cutting Instructions
From light print #3:
    *Cut (24) 1 1/2" ( 1") squares. 

From red print #4:
    *Cut (15) 1 1/2" ( 1") squares. 

From red print #5:
    *Cut (15) 1 1/2" ( 1") squares. 

 In the same manner as you did before, construct (3) Nine Patch blocks using light print #3 and red print #4, and (3) Nine Patch blocks using light print #3 and red print #5.  

Your Nine Patch blocks should measure 3 1/2" (2") unfinished.

You should have (12) Nine Patch blocks altogether: three each of the four different prints.

Looking good!  Looking so good!  That's all for today.....let's make a date to do this again next Friday.

P.S.  Apparently I don't know how to count, or lost my mind (better chance it was that!), or wasn't thinking....whatever the cause for my "some-timers",  we actually have 2 more weeks to go.  Next week will be another sewing part with blocks and the week after will be the Big Reveal.
Geesh.....I think I need a vacation!  


  1. Ok I am current with the blocks and can not figure out how you are going to put them together. Loving this sal..


  2. Oh, the mystery!! Glad you're loving it. Now my stress comes in really hoping everyone LIKES what they've been making! No pressure there :-/

  3. So excited to get sewing on these. I am finally caught up and ready to take on week 9. I am looking forward to seeing how they will come together. I was setting the blocks out last night and trying to create a pattern with them.

  4. Lori made me do it!!! I'm catching up to everyone. I have the Pinwheels and these 9-Patches + 6 left to make. Excited to see the Big Reveal in two weeks. Finally got Nabby's Dowry re-Quilted and bound so I could start without any guilt.

  5. The fabric you are sewing with is so gorgeous! I am excitedly waiting for the big reveal :-)
    Thank you for a beautiful mystery!

  6. Loving the sew a long Pam. Thank You.

  7. Once again I did not get an e-mail. I have to come to your web site to copy the instructions and end up using 10 to 12 pieces of paper to get about 2 pages of instructions. I have enjoyed this sew-along very much, but am apprehensive about signing up for the next one. Is anyone else having the same problem that I'm having?

    1. No problems printing here. I just select the area of text/pics I want to print and then do a copy and paste into a word document and all is well. When I tell it to print, I'm getting only what I pasted into the document. I think you can also select text/pics and then click Print, choosing the Selection button before clicking on the final Print command so only what you highlighted will print. You might try either of these ideas but before hitting the Print command do a Print Preview so you can see what's going to print before it does. Hope this helps. Also, rest assured you can have confidence in doing any of Pam's past or future sew alongs as they have all turned out beautifully and Pam is always so helpful when questions do arise. I have participated in most of them and have saved others that I haven't done yet.

    2. HI, I also use this site.... for printing off my instructions. Copy and paste the post url into this, delete the bits you don't want then print if off.
      Thanks Pam for another week's mystery - I'm looking forward to the grand reveal too!

  8. Pam, I can't wait for the reveal! I'm making both sizes and this is the first time I've ever made blocks this small!! They are so cute!!

  9. I just printed off instructions for week 9 from this website and I had earlier said I used about 10 to 12 sheets of paper. I just used 36 sheets to get the instructions for today's instructions.

  10. Sounds like a problem with the printer settings. You could try copying and pasting into a Word document, and then save it or print it out. Actually, I just write down the cutting instructions and go from there.
    Pam, this is the first of your sew-alongs that I've done, and I'm really enjoying it! All caught up and can't wait to see next week's blocks.

  11. Believe it or not Pam, I've actually stayed current with each weeks blocks! :-) Like the others, I too, am trying to figure out how these blocks are all going together. You've really stumped us this time. ;-) I can hardly wait for the big reveal.

  12. Hi Everyone!
    I'm so terribly sorry that some of you are having issues with receiving my blog posts via email. I have no idea why this is happening and don't know what to do about fixing the email delivery.

    Thanks to everyone for sharing their printing advise. I do copy and "print selected text", as well as copy/paste to a word document. I don't blame you at all for being angry for having to print tons of should not happen! It is frustrating and takes some of the enjoyment from what should just be fun. I hope you won't give up on me and my sew-alongs!

  13. I've just blogged about my blocks. :)
