Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Coming Home To A Whirlwind ~ Literally!

Sunday evening, I returned home after a wonderful trip with Lynne Hagmeier (Kansas Troubles Quilters) to the big event at the Patchwork Garden Quilt Shop

Monday, I was unpacking, sorting through mail and emails, filling orders,  and trying to get back in the groove here at home when a pair of very nasty storms came through the Chicago area.  Those storms spawned 5 tornadoes in the western suburbs (none of which were near our little town) but we were hit with 85 mile per hour winds that knocked down many of my neighbor's trees and our power along with it.  We all spent the day cleaning up outside and keeping generators going to run the sump pump, refrigerators and freezers.  Needless to say, I wasn't able to blog or concentrate on anything work related.  Power is now restored to my home and we're all fine, so other than a long night and inconvenience, we're none the worse for ware.

That's a long explanation of why I didn't post the winner of my blog contest!  So I need to rectify that situation right now!  

I know I said I would have only one winner, but One is such a lonely I decided to choose Five!!  The winners are:

Jean Belle who commented:  

You have come up with another beautiful quilt design, and a great way to feature those lovely fabrics!

Gwynette in NW Arkansas who commented:

Red is MY favorite color also and red two color quilts are the best!!! Love your cream shirting prints, too. This will be a great quilt.   

QuiltGrannie who commented:

Hi Pam, It is to die for!! Congratulations on your non BOM!! 

Peggy in NJ who commented:

I LOVE Red too!!!! I hope I can find a shop that will be carrying this program so I can participate!

Kindred Quilts who commented:

It may be a non traditional concept, but I'm lovin' the center out approach to the Quilt of the Quarter! Not to mention it is fabulously gorgeous... can't wait to see those red fabrics in person! 

Let's get to the best part.....what have they won?  

They each won a charm pack....8 inch squares of all of the 27 brand new prints of my new Prairie Gathering collection!!  Yay!!

Lucky winners as these fabrics won't be available at your local quilt shop until November!!  Click here to see all the fabrics in the collection.  

My sincere thanks to everyone who left a comment.  I so appreciate all of your warm wishes.  You have no idea what your comments and feedback mean to me.  I thank you all so much.

I'll have more pictures of our trip to Patchwork Garden in my next post.


  1. I'm doing the happy dance here in Iowa! I just visited the website at Marcus Brothers to get a better look at the Prairie Gatherings Collection... absolutely beautiful! Thank you for your generous give away, Pam. As I said in my comment, I can't wait to meet them in person!

  2. Congrats to your lucky winners, Pam! I will be keeping my eyes open for those fabrics come November!
    Wow, sounds like you had a scary night--glad you are okay. What a welcome home! : )
    BTW--I am ALL CAUGHT UP on Market Day! WooHoo!!

  3. Congrats winners! So lucky!
    I guess you will be glad to be home.

  4. Yey!!! Happy dance for me here in IL!! Thanks for the giveaway Pam, those fabrics are Beautiful!!

  5. I am so glad you and your home didn't suffer any lasting effect from the storms. Stay safe!
