Friday, August 1, 2014

Welcome to the Friends & Companions Sew-Along!!

Welcome to the first stop of our first ever Marcus Fabrics Designer Sew-Along!  I'm so glad you're here!!  

For those of you who may not know me, let me tell you a little about myself.  I'm Pam Buda and my company is.... 

I've been designing quilt patterns since 2004 and love traditional quilts using Civil War reproduction and country style fabrics.  Click here to visit my website to see all of my pattern offerings.

I'm also the creator of The Prairie Women's Sewing Circle Club.  The club includes historic, anecdotal stories of what life was like for ordinary "prairie" women, c. 1840-1900, who would sew daily of necessity.  The club features small quilt patterns, and lessons of how they "made-do" in all aspects of their life, and in their quilts as well.  My prairie style is reflected in the fabrics I design for Marcus Brothers: sweet, traditional prints with simple country style.  

My newest fabric collection, called Prairie Gathering, was designed especially for my new Quilt of the Quarter program (think BOM) by the same name.  A Prairie Gathering is not your typical Block of the Month program in that it's a Medallion style quilt with pieced borders that are constructed "as-you-go".  It is only available through participating quilt shops starting January, 2015.  

You can click here to see all of my latest fabric collections.

If you've just heard about our Marcus Designer Sew-along and want to participate, you can 
click here for all the details.  It's not too late to join us!

Let's get to sewing our first block.  My block is called.....
 Union Forever
Cutting Instructions:

Light print  (1038-0188)
          *Cut (2) 2⅞” squares.
          *Cut (4) 2¼” squares; crosscut once diagonally.

Black print  (1035-0112)
          *Cut (2) 2⅜” squares.
          *Cut (1) 3¼” square; crosscut twice diagonally.

Green print   (1702-0116)
          *Cut (1) 3¼” square; crosscut twice diagonally.

Blue print   (1109-0150)
          *Cut (6) 2⅞” squares; crosscut (4) squares once diagonally.
Cheddar print   (1033-0128)
          *Cut (2) 2⅜” squares.

Red print   (1034-0111)
          *Cut (2) 2⅞” squares crosscut once diagonally.


*Sew the black and green print 3¼” crosscut triangles together; press to the black triangle.

*Sew the red print triangles to the previous units; press to the red triangles.

Make (4) units measuring 2½” unfinished.

*Sew those units into a Pinwheel; press to create opposing seams.  Make (1) unit measuring 4½” unfinished.

*Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of the (2) cheddar 2⅜” squares.  Match each with a 2⅜” black print square.

*Sew ¼” on each side of the drawn line; cut apart.

*Press to the black triangle.  You will have (4) Half Square Triangles 
measuring 2” unfinished.

*Trim each Half Square Triangle to 1 15/16” by simply placing the left and bottom edges of the Half Square in between the 1⅞” and the 2” mark on the ruler as shown. 

(I hope this doesn't freak anyone out.  It's really pretty easy.  Just position the Half Squares as shown in the photo, trim the right side and the top, and it will be alright. This little bit of trimming makes a big difference in the outcome.) 

*Sew (2) light print triangles to each side of a black & cheddar print Half Square Triangle unit; press to the light print triangles.  Make (4) units.
*Sew (2) blue print triangles to the previous unit: press to the blue triangles.
 Repeat to make (4) Flying Geese units measuring 2½” x 4½” unfinished.
*Use the same technique as described above for Half Square Triangles.  Using the (2) 2⅞” light print and blue print squares, make (4) Half square triangles that measure 2½” unfinished.

*Arrange the units for the block as shown.  Sew together into rows; press for opposing seams.

Sew rows together; press seams open.

Your block should measure 8½” unfinished.

I hope you have fun making my Union Forever block.  

If you're lovin' the fabrics you see, just wait until you see the whole quilt with them!! There are a few more kits available.  You can order them from Paula & Mary Ellen at Red Crinonline Quilts or Sarah & Dolores at Homestead Hearth.  

To make this whole process even more fun, each of us will have prizes to give away!  Yay!  

Please post a comment right here for a chance to win my give-away.  Let us know what kind of fabrics you love.  What's your favorite color(s)?  Love a certain genre or love them all?  We'd love to hear from you!  I'll choose a winner the morning of August 4th.  (Please do not email your comments as only comments left on the blog will be eligible.)

Mark your calendars to visit Paula Barnes' blog next Friday, August 8th, to see the original block Paula designed just for you!  Here's the complete list of dates, designers, and blog addresses.  

8/1                        Pam Buda ~ Heartspun Quilts                        
8/8                        Paula Barnes ~ Red Crinoline Quilts           
8/15                      Sarah Maxwell ~ Homestead Hearth                          
8/22                      Pati Violick ~ Marcus Fabrics                       
8/29                      Gloria Parsons ~ Olde Green Cupboard       
9/5                        Nancy Rink ~ Nancy Rink Designs                 
9/12                      Mary Ellen Robison~Red Crinoline Quilts
9/19                      Dolores Smith ~ Homestead Hearth             
9/26                      Lisa Shepard ~ Marcus Fabrics                     
10/3                      Red Crinoline Quilts ~ Quilt Revealed!      

Thanks so much for visiting my blog today, and I can't wait to read your comments!  See you right here on August 4th for the winning comment!


  1. Up half the night in anticipation! Love the block, can't wait to start cutting, sewing, and creating!

  2. That is a very neat block.
    I pretty much love all fabrics, I love scrap quilts so the more fabrics the merrier!

  3. Love the block and the sew-along. Unfortunately, it will have to wait a bit since we're leaving for our holidays on monday, 4th of august, which also happens to be my birthday. I LOVE everything reproduction, especially double pinks, purples and cheddar.

  4. I love any reproduction fabrics, from Civil War fabrics to 1930s, any time period is great with me. Thank you for the wonderful block.

  5. Union Forever is the fabrics you chose!

  6. I can't wait to get started. Love the block and hope I can so it justice. I love civil war fabrics with stirrings. Thanks for the sal and a chance at your giveaway.

  7. Whoops that should read "shirtings"

  8. I'm out of town right now and can't wait to get home and get started! My favorite fabrics are civil war and 30's. My favorite color right now is red and I would LOVE to make your new Prairie Gathering quilt!!

  9. Love the fabric! Love the block! Can't wait to get started!

  10. Unfortunately, I love all kinds of fabrics. I have a very large stash as a result.

  11. Thank you for the Union Forever . I love the Civil War fabrics and colors. this is going to be one beautiful quilt.

  12. I"m going through my stash and following along. I LoVe Cival War & Reproduction Fabrics. Thanks for sharing . I LoVe the block you made.

  13. I love it all...which is good and bad :( There are so many fun projects and it is really hard for me to make decisions on what I want to make. The result is a lot of unfinished projects! I have a small collection of Civil War fabrics and your sew-along is the perfect use for them. Thanks for the tutorials!

  14. I love all types of fabrics…sometimes it's the design, sometimes it's the color. Love your block :)

  15. I love Civil War fabrics and am so glad to participate in this awesome "Friends and Companions" sew along. The Union Forever block is beautiful!

  16. I love this block and all kinds of fabric! My stash is very eclectic! Whatever I like at the time is what I sew with!

  17. Love 1800s reproductions, cheddar, green and purple are my favorites. Thanks!

  18. Your new fabric line is it! I am so glad that the 1st has finally arrived! Great block...and am looking forward to the entire sew along!!! I love reproduction fabric! Thank you so much for all your inspiration!!!

  19. Received my kit yesterday and the fabrics are wonderful! This is my first mystery quilt and I can't wait to get started....Thanks, Nancy Peabody

  20. I love the reproduction fabrics. The block is beautiful. I really need to get started on this.

  21. Love the fabrics and the block! Looking forward to the project!

  22. This is my fist mystery quilt. Love the fabric!! I can't wait to get home from work to get started!

  23. I love anything red - stripes, dots, florals, batiks, and reproductions too ! The quilt is breathtaking :)

  24. I love goes with everything...especially pink. Civil War browns are awesome !!!

  25. I love the Civil War reproduction fabrics. I just finished a scrap quilt and used a black print from your American Gothic collection as the border. It set it off just beautifully and is my favorite quilt to date. Looking forward to this one.

  26. Obviously I just love all civil war fabrics since I had many of the fabrics for the quilt alreadfy in my stash! Love the block! Did I miss something? Is there a printer version somewhere so I can print out the instructions?
    Janis from Oxford, CT

  27. I love all kinds of fabrics - from CW to Moderns - even the uglies find a home somewhere in a piece (they are character). Favorite color - any hue of blue. I hope to get to this beautiful block tomorrow.

  28. Love any CW fabrics, especially reds and cheddars. Can't wait to get started after guild meeting this morning!

  29. I love Civil War reproductions and my favorite color is blue. The first block is beautiful-- I love scrappy too!

  30. Love civil war fabrics. Cannot wait to make this quilt out of my abundant civil war stash!
    Donna Wells

  31. I'm "tickled red" over the Union Forever block. The design and color combinations are stunning. This quilt is going to be beautiful. I am more than excited to be joining the fun, and seeing what each designer has in store for us . Let the sewing begin.

  32. I love reproduction fabrics. There's this gal, Pam Buda, who designs fabric for Marcus. She's my new favorite!

  33. Love the block and the sew-along.
    Carol L in NE

  34. I have recently become obsessed with your fabric! I just finished the Bordeaux and Sienna Quilt!

  35. I just love fabric! This is fabulous and a great block. Thanks for a chance at winning gifts!! Can't wait to see next weeks.

  36. love this look - Living is Florida is difficult finding the primitive look - this is great

  37. Good to see you have some red in there, I love all sorts of red fabrics.

  38. When I saw the fabrics for this block of the week, my heart sang! I love the dark, primitive colors. They always seem to be the ones I am drawn to. Thanks for a great first block!

  39. I love reproduction fabrics, any color will do just fine. Can hardly wait to start my block. Thanks for a chance.

  40. Love the block! I had sew much fun with your Market Day quilt and your directions were the best. I hope to start this tomorrow. Thanks to all of you.

  41. I love the quilt block and civil war fabrics.

  42. What a great block! I love all Civil War repro fabrics, and am partial to red!

  43. Your block just glows, I love all the colours in it and my favourite colour is blue.

  44. I love just about every style of fabric. We are about to move to a bigger house, so we can fit it all in! But most of all I love the reproductions of early prints + of course the gorgeous civil war repros. Thank you for your lovely block + I'm looking forward to the sew-along

  45. I love all fabrics but am partial to civil war repros and batiks :)
    Can't wait to get sewing my block... looks like FUN!

  46. I have been hooked by your cute blocks and the way you put your colors together.. love them all!

  47. Civil war reproductions are my favorites. Just about any color will do. I do a lot of scrappy quilts and love the results.

  48. Love this Sew-Along! Did my part to spread the word about this lovely event! Hope there will be a lot of Dutch people who will join! I know I will, hoping to make my first block this evening!

  49. I don't usually join in on these but you first block looks so interesting, I am jumping in with both feet! Weeeeeeeee!!! here I go!!

  50. I love the civil war fabrics. I have made several quilts using them..More are in the works.

  51. Your block design and color combination is striking. My favorite fabrics are 1800s reproduction. Thank you for taking part in hosting this sew along.

  52. This is my first sew-along. Hopefully I can keep up! I love the block and fabrics. My favorites are Civil War reproductions and Kansas Troubles, although I never met a fabric I didn't like!

  53. Love your block! I am a 30's reproduction girl myself but I also like most anything to do with fabric. :-) Thanks for hosting today. K-

  54. My favorite color is red so the madder reds are what I tend to look at most. However, just about any Civil War reproduction fabric is my favorite - yellows, deep purples, pinks, browns. . . so much fabric, so little time. . . .Thanks for creating this sew along. Looking forward to it.

    1. I have to sheepishly admit, this is my first time commenting on a blog. With my job and all the traveling I do, I typically just read them and move on. So, I don't have any of the accounts in the 'reply as' section lists. I really should add my name, eh? - in the event I win! My name is Brenda.

  55. Just love the block!!! The colors are wonderful and can't wait to get it put together. I'm not very good at mystery quilts, I always want to know what I am going to make, but this is going to be fun because I love reporduction fabric, the designers, and all the colors that are being used. Thanks!!

  56. I like 30's prints and my favorite colors today are yellow and orange. Thanks.

  57. That block is beautiful. I think my favorite fabrics are the ones that I am using on the most current projects. Right now it is the bright summery colors I find myself using. I love almost all fabrics.

  58. I Love your Block, as always. I Love my CW fabrics and they are screaming at me to make this block now. I will follow along and start, I'm sure. Just not right now- August is a VERY BUSY month for me.

  59. So glad that I visited your blog today. Can't wait to get started on "Friends & Companions" sew-along.

  60. Great Block for a great start ! Thank you !

  61. Wonderful block Pam. Colors, fabrics? I love them all. With the wealth of great fabrics and colors on the market picking any favorite would be impossible.

  62. Looks like a wonderful start to a fun sew along! My favorite fabrics run more like the civil war fabrics. Hard to pick a favorite color. Love blues, greens and browns though...and reds and creams...:-)

  63. Your block is beautiful! I am a CW lover, as well as autumn fabrics; but I've been trying to step out of that comfort zone and have discovered~ I love fabric! LOL Have a happy weekend!

  64. Great block! I love using civil war/reproduction fabrics, especially pinks and purples for an accent. Really, I love all fabric!

  65. Great block! I love using civil war/reproduction fabrics, especially pinks and purples for accent. Really, I love all fabric!

  66. What a great block! I love that bright blue fabric especially. My favorite fabrics are bright repros - double pinks my favorite of all.

  67. Gosh Pam, you're already going a long way to helping this girl learn to love that cheddar, lol. I LOVE your Union block, the fabs you used make it just sing. You know me, I love repro, KT, your fabs, they all make me smile. Will be following along to see all the new blocks for this sew along. Thanks for kicking it off today. :-)

  68. My absolutely favorite fabrics are 1800s reproductions. And cheddars and greens, my favorite colors. Your first block is great - can't wait for the rest and the big reveal. All of my favorite designers are in this sew-along!!

  69. What a fun idea. I love the colors you have chosen. Civil War reproductions are my favorite.

  70. Is there a way to download the instructions? How long will the instructions remain on the blog? I have to work today so I cannot work on this right away. Thank you!

  71. I love all fabrics. I have a pack of civil war type fabrics so I thought I would try making this quilt using them. I can't wait. Thank you.

  72. Just learned about this yesterday and ordered my kit this morning. Can hardly wait for it to arrive! Love this first block.

  73. Love the look of this block. I'm in love with civil war and "thimbleberry" fabrics and like my quilts to have that "old" look.

  74. Hola Pam, he nacido y he crecido en Chile, y hace 5 años vivo en Madrid - España...mis colores preferidos son los alegres y brillantes, rojos, amarrillos, naranjas, calipsos, verde pistacho.
    He llegado a ti a traves de los Edredones de Kathy.
    Utilizo muy poco las telas de guerra civil y esta es una buena ocacion.
    muchas gracias.

  75. I like this first block and I am going to enjoy this sew a long. I like civil war and reproduction fabrics the most although I am often using other fabrics also.

  76. Great block! I love reproduction/civil war fabrics. Looking forward to this sew along.

  77. Love the look of this block. I'm in love with civil war and "thimbleberry" fabrics and like my quilts to have that "old" look. Nancy Magee,

  78. Wat à wonderfull event to take part of, I've spread this event on my facebook and tomorrow on my blog. I love those Nice fabrics and their collors. I have to work tomorrow but on Sudan I make my block.
    Thank you so Munch.

    Ria from The Netherlands

  79. Love your block! I cannot choose a favorite genre of fabrics. "Wheatland" from Red Crinoline Quilts is on our bed, but I find myself working with more modern fabrics of late. Seeing your block, though, is prompting me to go order my fabrics for this sew along as soon as I finish this. Thanks for the inspiration!

  80. i cave for civil war reproduction fabrics, but i also love the new mod fabrics in such bright and pretty colors! great block is done!

  81. so happy to have stumbled on this sew a long...block is great...using CA prints
    from st a short and just finished Union Forever now...looking forward to next week's block...

  82. LOVE this block! Maybe this SEW along will get me out of my sewing slump! Love your fabrics too!

  83. Oh I just love this block!!!!! My favorite fabrics are a tie between Civil War prints (brighter ones and less of the muted browns) and Kaffe Fassett prints (they're all so bright and cheerful. I guess I'm a bit odd in that I love 2 extremes, but I just do!

  84. I love your block. This is going to be a great sew a long. I like any pattern that I can make scrappy. And if I can include blue or red then all the better. Thanks for the opportunity.

  85. Bonsoir Pam.
    Merci pour ce beau premier bloc. J'attends mes tissus pour commencer. Ils devraient arriver dans quelques jours.
    Ma couleur préférée en ce moment est le rouge mais en réalité j'aime presque toutes les couleurs.
    J'aime les quilts traditionnels et certains quilts modernes.
    Merci pour ce que vous faites.

  86. My favorite type of fabric is Civil War reproduction & favorite color is red. Looking forward to the weekly posting for this sew-along! I'm afraid the "profile" requirement on this has me I'll just be anonymous.

  87. Just love the block.. I am a huge fan of civil war fabrics too and have been amassing fat quarters. I plan to use them in a quilt I am designing to honor my 3rd great grandfather who fought in this conflict.

  88. I love 1800's reproduction prints! I love all colors of fabrics and love making scrappy quilts with lots of fabrics. Your block is wonderful! I love all your patterns and fabrics, you are an amazing designer! Thanks for the give away!

  89. Love Civil War reproductions and Paula Barnes.

  90. It's funny you should ask what is my favorite color fabric as I've been trying to figure that out this past week. I work with many different colors and styles of fabric. But I've decided that my favorite fabrics are the ones that have saturated colors in them. Which is not to say that I don't enjoy making quilts with other fabrics because I really truly do. I'm glad that the craft that I am most interested in doing is one that offered such variety of choices.

  91. I don't have a favorite fabric or color at the moment. Then I go to the quilt shop and find fabrics that I just have to have, lol. Looking forward to doing this sew along. Thanks for a chance to win.

  92. Love the purple reproduction fabrics.

  93. I love your block and it is a great start .I`m sure I will start with the sew-along.
    In fact, my favorite designers are Judie Rothermel and Paula Barnes. I like all the Civil War fabrics and made already several quilts with those fabrics.
    Happy Quilting, many regards Sylvia Aagenborg (The Netherlands).

  94. I love all fabric :) especially deep country colors. I am so excited to make your block - thank you!!

  95. I know what I'll be doing this weekend! I love the block and can't wait to get started. Can't wait to see the rest of the blocks.

  96. Simply love your block! So much so that I'm ordering the kit and jumping on board. I love Civil War fabric and anything dull and old looking. Thanks for participating in this Sew-Along!

  97. Love the block, it is finished and ready for its siblings!

  98. I love anything primitive or reproduction. My favorite color is cheddar but for some strange reason, all my quilts seem to be BROWN! I really love your block and I can't wait until I can find some extra time to start cutting and sewing.

  99. Love the name and the design, Pam. Great job!!
    CW repros, batiks, and recycled shirts are my favorites to use--in that order/ : )

  100. Love the block,fabric and name.Great job!!Thanks for the tutorial.
    I love all fabrics.My favorite color right now is blue.Need blues to make more several Dear Jane blocks this summer.

  101. I love the block you designed for this sew along and can't wait to make it. My favorite fabrics are reproductions, especially civil war and 30's. Renee S.

  102. Love civil war repro fabric, can't wait to complete this first block! Very excited for this sew along!

  103. I love your Union Forever block! As a new quilter I have fallen in love with fabric. I really love primitive, Civil War and reproduction fabrics. Thank you!

  104. I love Civil War fabrics and am so excited about this project! Thank you to all the designers for your hard work and creativity!

  105. I'm very eclectic these days in terms of fabric and styles of quilts. Of course I love Civil War Reproduction fabrics and quilts but I am also starting to gravitate towards modern quilts as well , esp the simple more graphic designs with negative space. Thanks for the give-away.

  106. I love any and every shade of red, specially when combined with light tan and cream colours.

  107. Sharon Aug.1 2014 Pam thank you for the wonderful quilt project. I love your blog and all your wonderful fabrics and projects. My favorite color is yellow. I have been collecting repro 1800's fabrics lately. Trying to get a good collection. I would like 1800's but love most fabrics. Looking forward to Aug.4TH.

  108. I love reproduction fabrics. You made a beautiful block for us. Thank you for the chance to win the giveaway.


  109. Hi Pam!
    I really like the primitive style fabrics. Cheddar, blues, greens, reds, etc. Love your block!

  110. Civil War reproduction are my favorite, and then the 1930s. It helps to have fabrics that naturally go together so I don't have to worry about matching.

  111. The last two years I have been collecting Civil War Reproduction fabrics but I love all fabrics! My favorite color(s) would have to be red and purple.

  112. Talk about being the first out of the starting gate, awesome block! I am working from the kit and very excited to see how the cheddar plays along to tell the story in the completion of the quilt. You do know how to make the colors tell a story and the name is perfect for this block. All the colors whisper of a time gone by.
    Wonderful block, girlfriend...Roxanne

  113. Thanks for such great directions. I love the block. I like to use any fabric that comes along. Scrap quilts are my favorites so anything goes as far as fabric lines. I most often use red, green, blue and yellow but every color has its place. I am making one quilt using your suggested colors and one quilt with blocks made from my scrap collection. Ursula (

  114. Love the block! Just with I had the time to make this quilt with everyone else, maybe this winter. I say Reproduction prints are my favorite, but so many others call my name too. I guess I love them all! Thanks for sharing.

  115. I love Civil War fabrics, especially any cheddar prints.

  116. I am most drawn to Civil War scrap quilts, but I also love those more modern quilt fabrics that feature aqua and other colors of the ocean. I also love those soft pastels that make me think of cottages and porches with that lovely soft green. So I guess my favorite colors in fabric are green and aqua. I can't wait to make my block tomorrow.

  117. I have a collection of Civil War fabrics. I don't really love just one. They all have to work togther especially the cheddars and the poison greens to make a great quilt. I am excited to have a fun project to work on so I can play with the fabric collection. Thanks for sharing this and I love the idea of an online project.

  118. My favorite color is pink. My favorite type of fabric are sweet, small florals, or tone on tone designs. Thanks for the sew along and for the giveaway! I just stumbled upon your blog today and have bookmarked you. :)

  119. My favorites are all the 19th century reproductions. Can never get enough! I think they are classic colors and designs that will live forever! !

  120. I'm going to try again--I don't think my reply went through. I LOVE Civil War fabrics and blocks--they are my fav, although I really do enjoy and appreciate other genres too. I've been following you for quite some time, and have made several of your lovely patterns. Thanks for this beautiful block, and giveaway! Smiles!!

  121. I love reproduction fabrics. Blue is my favorite color but a little bit of cheddar is wonderful!! Thanks for the sew-along!!

  122. I love all civil war fabrics but my very favorite color is blue and cream

  123. J adore le rouge et aussi le beige et le bleu enfin tout
    Merci pour le partage

  124. Hi Pam

    Love all things and fabrics that are civil war but my favourite colour is cheddar. Some thing that I don't have enough of!!!

    Mandy Adams. UK

  125. I must admit I love the first block of the quilt along! My favorite color is definitely red. and I am also excited to see a touch of cheddar in this civil war themed quilt. I love civil war era reproductions but even enjoy the early 1800's fabrics with the picotage and the luscious florals for Broderie Perse techniques as well.

  126. Great block to start the mystery quilt, I like the way you combined the colors. I like all fabric, but tend to lean toward the reproduction fabrics in reds, blues and greens. Thank you for doing this!

  127. I have my block finished. I mostly use CW repro, but I have a nice stash of batiks, too.

  128. Really beautiful fabrics! I love it!! And what a wonderful sew-along
    for this summer.

  129. I love reproduction fabrics and I love all your patterns! Thanks so much for participating in the sew-a-long! I look forward to making your block ;o) Margie

  130. I love this first block. Can't wait for more each week. My favorite fabric color is cheddar, but I probably own more red than anything. Homespuns and reproduction fabrics are my favorites. ANYTHING scrappy.

  131. Love, love, love the Union Forever block. Can't wait to get started. My favorite fabrics are civil war repros....and always love the "pop" of cheddar. Thanks for contributing to this wonderful Sew-A-Long project!
    Michelle Wilson

  132. Favorite fabrics, I love them all! Fave color is coral, kind of hard to find in my go-to Civil War type fabrics...and more and more I am getting into applique, so finding that I need more tonal prints....lots of them to be found! I can't wait to make my block - I love it! I'm sure to fall behind as I travel soon, but I'll save the directions...I already have the fabric kit so I'm all set...unless I win something of course! Thanks for the chance, and especially for the sew along! Ksoppelt at aol dot com

  133. I just finished up two BOMs, so I'm thrilled to start this new project! I've done several quilts with brown, double pinks, and shirtings, but your block reminds me that there are lots of other colors out there. Looking forward to it!

  134. My favorite kind of fabric seems to change constantly--batiks, 30's, modern, traditional, I love them all, sometimes all combined in one quilt!

  135. I love Civil War fabrics, Homespuns and any reproduction fabrics. Love the block...what a fun Sew-A-Long!!

  136. This is going to be my first mystery quilt. I love all reproduction and primitive colored fabrics. I knew when I saw who was doing this sew along that it would be a quilt that I would be happy with. So excited to get started on first block.

  137. Having done your last two Pocket Patchwork Sew Alongs, and a few of your Prairie Women Journeys, I was SEW excited about this collaborate effort with other Marcus designers. A call at noon from my eight year old niece to go swimming trumped making my block this afternoon, but I made it after dinner this evening. Love it.

  138. Hello Pam,
    I just read about the sew along on a Dutch blog. What a beautiful idea. I will definitely join in. It is also the first time I visit your blog and I'm thrilled by the clear explanation on how to sew your block by machine.
    Reproduction fabric is my favorite in all possible colors :-))) and I love the stories that go with it. Thank you for this lovely block!
    Kind regards,

  139. What a nice block never enter a mystery but now I'm tempted.....
    What my colours are... I love a lot differant bright colours but also the dark vintage fabrics...
    groetjes van Marijke, The Hague, The Netherlands

  140. Oooooh this is so very temting!! I promised myself not to start another project because I already are working on several quilts but now I see this lovely mystery quilt and I'm thinking: Just one more project doesn't hurt anyone LOL.
    The fabrics I like most are the reproduction fabrics and fabrics in blue I also love. ;-)
    hugs, Jolanda

  141. A wonderful sew along. Thank you to all the designers. I have already completed block one, thank you Pam for your very clear instructions.. I am so happy with my block and fabric choice. My favourite fabrics are 1800s reproduction/civil war and my favourite colours are reds, greens, browns and cheddar

  142. Finished my block just a moment ago, very clear instructions so it was done quite easely! I used modern fabrics in the colors mentioned but brighter, I'm happy about the result.
    Next week I'll be in Birmingham UK for the festival of quilts, so the next block has to wait till next week, but I'm looking forward to it. Thank you , Simone.

  143. I am attracted to fabric reproductions of the 1800s and 1930-40s. My favorite colors are red, blue and tan but of course we need many colors to make our quilts shine! I love reproductions of 19th century quilts and original designs reminiscent of that time and also any beautiful quilt. Your block is lovely and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the blocks!

  144. Happily got right to making my first block of this project. Can't wait for the next. Pam, great directions. Had to call my friend Karen right away to encourage her to get started on her block...she is now done also. I have found that I am lacking black in my civil war reproduction trip in my future!


  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. Cannot wait to get off PC to get started. Love red the best. There are so many colors to hum and haw about, but red will do me just fine.

  147. I love all fabric in general, but seem to gravitate to smaller prints regardless of color. I enjoyed the Market Day Sew~Along very much! I just finished my Union Forever block and love It! I used fabrics from my stash with the kit fabrics as a guide. Looking forward to seeing the other designers blocks as well.

  148. Hi! Just starting your block and really like the design. I will use fabric from my own stash...anyway,
    I love civil war fabric with stars. I also like fabric that features any motif that typifies the war such as
    flags, cannons, soldiers, horses and drums. My favorite color is purple. Thanks!

  149. Awesome! Done with block one and ready for block two! Love all the colors because scrap quilts are my first choice. Love the reproduction fabrics. Great work on the design. Can't wait until Friday. Thanks

  150. My favorite fabrics are always novelty lines...often made for children, but I like to weave them into my projects. This is my first quilt the first block I made.. It reminds me of my grandfather who worked his whole life laying track and working on the railroads of the USA!

  151. Need to start in on the block - maybe on Tuesday when The Quilted Steeple Retreat Center has there open sewing. Great time to work on it Will pull fabric from my stash in similar colors and value. Thanks. From northern Iowa.

  152. I can only imagine what the quilt will look like. The first block is beautiful. I am so excited that I got the fabric kit. Now let's get on with the next block. Teresa Bonetti

  153. After sewing the first block I decided I had to get the kit - I did the first block the day my kit arrived.
    So happy I did this.

  154. love the colors you chose for your block. I like jewel tone reds, greens and purples. That being said, my stash holds lots of colors, if only to sometimes work with colors outside my comfort zone. Looking forward to the other blocks. I am also a fan of Godzilla!!

  155. This block is wonderful, I can't wait to get started. Love the colors and so happy to see cheddar in the mix.

  156. Got my block done!!! Yay! Can't wait for the next one!
