Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Welcome to our Primitive Christmas Handwork Blog Hop!!

Welcome to my day of...
 A Primitive Christmas Blog Hop! 
This is my first year participating in this awesome event, and I'm so jazzed to be a part of it!  It has been such blast visiting every designer's blog each morning to see what new and wonderful project awaits.  While I adore making wool projects, it's not something I normally work with when designing, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and give it a try.

I've been designing original quilts since 2006, and began designing fabric for Marcus Fabrics a few years ago.  My first BOM program with Marcus, called A Prairie Gathering, is about to begin at your local quilt shop next month.

I have a new pattern series that has just been released, called Tokens of the Past, and Gathering In Red is the first pattern in the series.  I designed three quilts for this pattern, and am super excited about the brand new 10 inch precuts of Prairie Gathering fabric that I used to make the units and blocks for all three quilts.  Click here to read more about the pattern and a special kit offer with free shipping!!  

Christmastime certainly brings our family traditions to the forefront in our lives, doesn't it?  In our home, we definitely have lots of them we love repeating each year, and sometimes begin new ones.   We live in suburban Chicago, so we enjoy (yes, I do mean enjoy...well, most of the time!) four distinct seasons, and Christmas would not be Christmas without cold weather.  We all hope for a White Christmas, too, but it doesn't happen all that often.  

Cookies have long been a part of Christmas at our home.  Our daughter, Nicole, has taken over 90% of the cookie baking now.  

And...our son, Ryan, has taken over decorating the outside of the house.  Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase's character from the movie Christmas Vacation) is my son's hero, and he'd like nothing more than to wrap our entire house in lights.  (Um...sorry, but the answer is no again this year, Ryan.)

We make lots and lots of cookies each year to give to family and friends.  One tradition we have enjoyed is dropping off large trays of cookies to our local police and fire departments, along with a big "thank you" to them for their service in our community.  We've been doing that for more than 10 years now, and little did we know when we began, that our son would one day be a fireman/paramedic!  We send lots of cookies to the folks at his firehouse all year long.  

The recipe I wanted to share with you is also a long-time family favorite.  Every year, Christmas Eve is spent at my cousin Debbie's home (who took over for her mom after more than 50 years!), and this yummy dip as one of the dishes I bring.  I know our family would be terribly disappointed if I didn't!  
It could not be easier to make, and actually feeds a crowd.  I split the recipe in half, leaving one portion at home to serve on Christmas Day, and the other goes to Deb's for Christmas Eve.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Click here for a downloadable, printable version of the recipe.

And now...for the little project I designed just for you!!

What is it about a red pick-up truck filled with Christmas trees, coming home from the Tree Farm, that just says Christmas to me?  Is it just me, or do you love it, too?  

That's what I chose to depict in my little wool pinkeep.  As always with my pictures, (sigh) the blue background of the pinkeep is much darker, more of a muted soldier blue/navy in color.  The color of the blue background looks much better in the cheesy dip photo above.  (If you knew how many pictures I have taken of this pinkeep!  All I can say is thank God for digital cameras!)  I love having pinkeeps all over the house.  Love how they feel with crushed walnut shells in them.  

They look good in a big antique dough bowl arrangement......

...or on a table vignette.  They go everywhere, and add a little, special something in design and texture, which is exactly what wool does, right?!

I'd love to have a red vintage pickup truck parked in my driveway, filled with real Christmas trees. (Wouldn't that be an awesome outside decoration for the driveway, Ryan?!)  Oh, yes Pam, that's practical!!  Well...a girl can daydream.  Since that's wholly unlikely to happen, I'll just enjoy my pinkeep, and the good feelings it brings!  

Click here for a downloadable, printable Tree Farm Wool Pinkeep pattern.

I also want to share with you one of my favorite handwork notions...these small and very portable snip scissors by Gingher.  They tuck into little bags for your to-go stitching, and snip threads beautifully.  I have two of these babies to give away!  Leave me a comment, and I'll draw winners on December 15th!  

Well, I'm so glad you stopped by to visit my blog.  Thank you for coming, and I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas, and a blessed New Year.  My thanks to Stacy West of Buttermilk Basin for coordinating the entire Primitive Christmas Blog Hop!  What a great event this is!!

Be sure to visit Lori Brechlin of Notforgotten Farm tomorrow.  
I can hardly wait!  

Happy Hand Stitching to Everyone!


  1. Just love your pinkeep! Yes, Red truck with trees in the back says Christmas. Keep dreaming, its what Lifes made of! Thank you for sharing your creativeness and your yummy spread recipe!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. That recipe sounds yummy! I have to provide a cheeseball and crackers for a party--wonder if I could sub this?
    Very cute pattern, Pam. It has a nostalgic Christmas feel. It was fun to meet your family and get to know some of your holiday traditions. I love the cookies to the fire and police stations. Great idea!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Love your website....the design is so vintage feeling...the cracker spread sounds wonderful and I would like to try it at our family gathering. The wool pinkeep is darling...it pops on the black wool and is such a downhome feel......Thanks for sharing!!!!
    Christine jeanieheath@charter.net

  4. Love the vintage red pickup truck filled with Christmas trees pin keep. It is so cute. Thank you very much for the wonderful pattern and the yummy dip recipe. It was fun reading your special day on the blog hop. Have a wonderful Holiday!
    Karen M

  5. I am really enjoying reading your blog, and so happy I started following this year! I love your projects, and the pinkeep is no exception...how cute! Happy holidays!

  6. I love your ornament, thank you so much !
    Can you please tell me if the chart of the lovely sampler on the last photo is available ? My first name is Anne and I love stitching Ann(e)/(H)anna(h) samplers !

  7. Pam,
    Thanks for another wonderful project to make. The blog has been a lot of fun to follow. I will make the dip and take it to Christmas dinner. Thanks for sharing your talents.
    Pam K. Ann Arbor Quilter

  8. Love the goodness you do and make as a family for your community. When I saw that wee pinkeep I was hoping it was going to be your gift to us! Yippie it is! Thank you,I L*O*V*E it. Happy family Christmas to you.

  9. Thank you for the lovely pin keep pattern Pam and also the dip recipe. I will definitely be making it for Christmas day. I have already gone through my wool fabric stash and made my selections to make the pin keep. I really appreciate the generosity of all the designers taking part in the blog hop.

  10. Your cheese dip looks delicious - I can't wait to try it! And, I absolutely love your pin keep. It truly does have that "old time" Christmas feel, and I plan to make it (for me). Thank You for sharing your project. Merry Christmas!

  11. Thanks so much for the pinkeep pattern. It is just sooo cute! Can't wait to make it. Thanks for the chance to win the thread snip.

  12. This little pinkeep pattern just made my day (and I was already hooked at the recipe!). We have an old truck ('51) and live in the woods so what is better than your depiction?! Thank you so much for sharing your talents. Merry Christmas!

  13. Pam....that little pinkeep pickup truck is just plain awesomeably adorable! I can't wait to make a bunch of them and give to my friends. I'm so proud that you are diggin' into the wool girlfriend! You go girl! I truly think you may have missed your callin' ! Hugs to you!

  14. Thanks so much Pam for the adorable pinkeep! Can't wait to grt my sisscors snipping and start sewing! This Blog Hop is so much fun and it's great getting to know all you wondeful designers!

  15. My first reaction ...OH MY. (Gasp) eeehh!! Love your awesome pinkeep!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ If you find the store to get the cute little truck with trees for your drive would you email me?? LOL! I'm all over that! ���� meanwhile I am going to SO enjoy this pattern and going to try your dip. Sounds yummy! Merry Christmas, Pam! Thank you so much!!!

  16. This is sooo lovely! Thnaks for such a sweet treat!

  17. Sew glad that you are on the blog hop! And love your pin keep! Another project I MUST make. I actually made the bacon cheese dip for Thanksgiving at our house this year and the family loved it! Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas - HUGS... and stitches

  18. Your pin keep is sew cute. And it does speak Christmas. I will make this. Thanks for sharing and happy holidays to you and yours.

  19. the spread will be tried this year and your truck with tree reminds me of our yearly trek to the tree farm so cute thanks for both and please enter me in the drawing linda m

  20. Fun and festive pinkeep!! And you know, bacon makes everything taste better! I'll be trying that recipe.

  21. What a cute pin keep, thanks so much for sharing! I love this blog hop! Merry Christmas!

  22. Love the pin keep!! And the dip, delicious and easy! Thanks so much!!

  23. adorable little pinkeep....never worked with wool before but this project just might be my first!

  24. Oh how I love your pinkeep and your recipe! Thank you so much for sharing! And it is so fun to meet a fellow Chicagoan on this blog hop :)
    Blessings, Patti

  25. Love your design! My PopPop had a little red pickup truck. My fondest memory with that truck was going to the farm and loading it with cow manure to fertilize the garden! Oh how I hated that chore then but now is my fondest memory! I'd love a truck in my driveway too someday to fill with Christmas Trees!!!

  26. Your cracker spread sounds, and looks, delicious and I can't wait to try it ... not to worry, I won't be showing up on your doorstep but will make some myself . :) I absolutely love your tree farm truck pin keep. Thank you so much for sharing both. Merry Christmas!

  27. I LOVE pinkeeps! This is the first one I've seen with a red pick-up truck on it. Too cute. Thank you so much for the pattern and opportunity to win.

  28. How cute and fun is this wool pinkeep! Definitely one for my holiday decorating!
    Thank you so much for sharing and giving a mouthwatering recipe too!
    Happy Holidays

  29. Love the red pickup!! What a fun design you created for us! Thanks much!

  30. Love, love the red pickup. Sooo cute! Can hardly wait to make it. Thanks.

  31. Love the pin keep. Must get started on it right away.. Thanks for sharing it with us.


  32. I love this project. Thank you for sharing.

  33. Cute project! I think I will make this one for me ;) And, your yummy recipe will be a great addition to our football buffets! Thank you and Merry Christmas :'

  34. We do have the old red pick up in the drive, and it will be used to get a Christmas tree! Thanks for the pattern; it will definitely get used!

  35. Thanks for the chance to win and I love your pin keep pattern. Grandma Rita

  36. The pin keep is darling! The recipe looks delicious! I'm enjoying the blog hop sew much! Thanks!

  37. Oh my gosh, your pinkeep is so cute! I tell myhusband all the time I want one of those trucks! Your recipe looks really yummy too. Have a Merry Christmas!

  38. The pinkeep was very nice ! I have been enjoying everyone's creations on the blog hop.

  39. I think I will give the spread recipe a try, it sounds so good! Thanks for sharing! Have a very Merry Christmas! Love the pin keep!

  40. Thanks for that recipe! And the chance to win!

  41. The dip sounds yummy. Love the pin keep. Thank you for the recipe and pattern.

  42. Thanks for the darling pattern. And the recipe definitely sounds yummy! Thanks for the chance to win - I love all my Gingher scissors and would love to win the snips. Merry Christmas!

  43. Love the pin keep and hearing about some of your Christmas traditions. Thanks for the chance to win.

  44. This pin keep is darling. Thank you for sharing your Christmas and for the chance to win. Have a Merry Christmas.

  45. Thanks so much for the pattern and recipe! Can't wait to try them. Merry Christmas!

  46. LOVE the tree farm pin keep! Thanks so much, and for the chance to win the snips! Merry Christmas !

  47. Love, love the red truck pin keep. Thank you for the chance to win the snips.

  48. Pam, Love your Tree Farm pinkeep! My son and I were just talking last night that there are no Tree Farms here in AZ. We grew up in New England and always enjoyed going to the Farm to pick our tree. This will be his "ornament" this year. Thank you!!

  49. I love that you share your talents, and cookies with everyone. We did have 'the truck' sitting outside our house for several years! My son's pride & joy (until he could no longer afford to keep gas in it... it was such a gas hog!) But you are right, it did feel extra holiday-ish with greens in the back!

  50. Super cute pattern! I am thinking about enlarging it and making it a pillow! Would love to win the snips!

  51. The red truck pincushion is great! Also love the sampler under the snips did you stitch that one?

  52. A red truck just says christmas, can't wait to get this one prepped and done also so making your dip for Christmas Eve as all of our boys live for bacon ;). Thank you and have a Merry Christmas

  53. I cannot wait to stitch this pinkeep!!! I love, love, love the design. I am also excited to have found your blog through this blog hop.

  54. A red truck and trees...merry and jolly...thanks for the sweet pattern and lovely post...no snips for me...I already have some!

  55. I love the red truck pinkeep, so sweet. Please put my name in the hat for the chance to win the snips. Thanks!

  56. Thank you for all that you share on your blog. I have had so much fun doing the sew alongs this year.
    Pam Myers

  57. I am so happy to see this pattern and cant wait to make it. Watching Christmas Vacation on Christmas Eve is a family tradition and we even have some of the Hallmark Christmas ornaments. I missed out on buying Cousin Eddie's RV. Have a wonderful Christmas and thanks again for the fun pattern and a chance to win.

  58. Love, love, love the truck pinkeep! I am heading to my sewing room to make a few for Christmas gifts!

  59. Your work is beautiful. I love your new fabric Prairie Gathering and can't wait until January for it to arrive. Merry Christmas and thank you for the cute PinKeep pattern.

  60. I love the truck pinkeep! We have my father-in-law's 1951 Chevrolet truck and it looks like your red truck except for being green. We have taken it many times to get our tree so this will be a pinkeep for me and an ornament for my husband. Thanks for the pattern and the yummy sounding recipe-I have a quilt guild meeting this week and will take for our Christmas social. Thanks also for the chance to win the snips!

  61. love your design and thanks so much for sharing. Merry Christmas! Terry Sweet

  62. Thank you for the delightful pattern, so much to stitch, so little time!!! The clippers look useful.

  63. Your cheese spread sounds yummy. I love your pillow design.

  64. Pam, Thank you for the fun pattern for your pinkeep. (Love the name, too.) I'm reminded of a similar pickup in my neighbor's front yard (we live in the country). I'm glad you did this design in wool, but I love the "homey" feeling I get when I work with your traditional patterns as well. Can't wait to see the Prairie Gatherings fabric.

  65. Love the truck pin keep and the new patterns.so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  66. What an adorable little pin keep. Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us.

  67. Your holiday decorations always look so perfect and warm and just gorgeous. I wish you would come and decorate my house! Cute little pin keep and the recipe looks like something my family would love - we will have to give it a try. I love the little snips - I had one just like that, and lost them on a trip, and have yet to replace them. Happy holidays to you and your family!

  68. Thank you so much for your Tree Farm pinkeep.
    Merry Christmas!!

  69. Wow! What an awesome & inspiring post! Thank you for the recipe and pattern. I look forward to seeing many more of your Tokens of the Past patterns! I also love my little Gingher thread snips and was thinking I could use another pair! I've even given a pair to my sister and BFF!

  70. Just love your pattern. Our son has a red pickup and just cut two trees for Christmas. I know who will get this pillow for a gift!

  71. I thank you so much for this cute little pattern. Love your blog. Love the snippers too!!


  72. Thank you so much... I didn't want to stop reading your entry because it was so heartwarming and full of eye candy for the stitcher and foodie. Happy holidays to you!

  73. Love, love, love your pinkeep...it is just adorable! Thank you so much for all your wonderful designs!

  74. Your little wooly Tree Farm pin keep is so cute. I love the feeling of an old fashion Christmas. It's a Wonderful Life. Happy holidays. 🐝

  75. Thank you Pam for the adorable Tree Farm design. It will make a perfect gift for my neighbor who gets her family's Christmas tree from a local farm.

    Merry Christmas!

  76. I am definitely making this fun piece, and enjoyed reading your post and learning about your family traditions.


  77. Last year, I went searching at the two Target stores in our town for the little red truck Christmas ornament that that I saw on someone's blog. Could not find it - I was so disappointed. Well now, I can have a red truck ornament in wool. What could be better. Thanks for such a cute design.

    Merry Christmas,

  78. I LOVE your pillow! I have printed it off and plan to make it SOON!! This Blog Hop has been amazing!! SEW many lovely projects...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
    Have a wonderful Christmas and thanks again!

  79. Thank you so much for the sweet pillow design. I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas.

  80. beautiful pinkeep and yummy recipe (definitely going to try it) Love those little snip scissors too!

  81. When I lived up north, we went and cut down our own tree at a tree farm. It was such fun. Not much choice in Texas. This brings back many memories - snuggly and warm. Please enter me in the drawing and keep Christmas in your heart! Cynthia

  82. Tasty, thanks for sharing. Awesome pillow, have a very Merry Christmas!

  83. My best quilt buddy & her husband have started a Christmas Tree Farm. This is going to be PERFECT to add to her Christmas gift this year. Already made a mini quilt that this will go with! BTW - I have a pair of snips and love them. Would like to have another pair to keep downstairs by my chair. Enjoy your blog.
    ~ Jody R.

  84. thanks for pattern - blog hop has been great - love anything gingher

  85. Love the little truck....hubby has one, but I need to get a tiny tree to put in it. Am looking forward to making this. As for those little Gingher trimmers....I was looking at them last week, but passed them up and am now sorry I did. One of those "do I really need them" moments lol. So, would be so happy to win one of these!

  86. Thanks for the recipe and the pattern. I have printed off the recipe and plan to make this dip for the Holidays. Love the snips and thanks for the chance at the giveaway. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  87. Love the pick up truck pinkeep! It's one fro the blog hop I'll need to make immediately!! Love the little snippers.
    Merry Christmas!

  88. I love Gingher scissors. Thank you for the give-away.
    Nice design. I agree there is something special about red trucks and fresh Christmas trees.

  89. What a generous offer. Live the pickup truck as that was us yesterday. Trees included. Merry Christmas. What cookies do you bake??

  90. Thank you for the Tree Farm pinkeep pattern..I love it! I wish I didn't have nut allergies because your spread recipe sounds so yummy! I could leave out the nuts and add more bacon...my boys would love that!! :D Merry Christmas!

  91. The little pin keep is absolutely adorable--will be making this one for sure! How lucky you are to have a cookie baker and house decorator in the family!

  92. Love your vintage truck carrying the Christmas tree home. The snips would be perfect addition in my "to go" sewing tote. Merry Christmas to you!

  93. I know that I'll be making this gorgeous little pillow, thanks so much for the pattern. It looks like designing wool patterns should be in your future.
    Merry Christmas

  94. Love your designs, will be saving in my favorites
    thanks for doing the blog

  95. I enjoyed reading about your Christmas Traditions, sounds like allot of fun! Thanks so much for the cute pinkeep! I can't wait to make my own!

  96. love it. like working with wool, so this will be on my to do list. thank you!

  97. Hi Pam I love your Tree Farm Pinkeep. Thank you for sharing.

  98. Your little pinkeep reminds me of taking our kids out into the forest for that special tree.Of course, our truck was much newer (1976). I have the pattern printed off and can't wait to get started on it. Thank you very much and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  99. Pam love the truck pinkeep since there are quite a few truck guys in our family. Thanks

  100. I love the pinkeep! It is so festive! and different!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Have a Merry Christmas

  101. I always love your designs. This one is so cute! Thanks and Merry Christmas!

  102. Love love the truck pinkeep! It is Christmas for sure. Old cars and trucks at our house!
    Thanks for doing the Christmas hop.
    Happy Hoildays to you and your family!

  103. Your recipe sounds great. Thanks for sharing a little of your family with us. It's nice to pass along the family traditions. Your pinkeep is adorable! Thanks for the opportunity.

  104. Can hardly wait to try your recipe. Love your design. Will prep it and sew it after Christmas. A great addition for next year. Thanks.

  105. love this little red pu pinkeep, can't wait to make it. thanks

  106. Oh NO you haven't!!!!!!!!! I have asked Santa for these and he didn't seem to get the clue's. LOL Wait yes I have been a good girl............ Thank you so much for sharing with us on this blog hop, it has been so much fun. I will be dreaming of these little snips while sugar plums dance in my head.
    Thanks so much,

  107. Love the pinkeep and bought the preorder kits. Thanks for the treats.

  108. I love the applique, thank you for the pattern.......I would love to be put in for giveaway, thank you....

  109. The dip sounds fantastic. and thank you for the pin keep pattern, Love Gingher!! Thank you for the chance to win.

  110. Your woollie pincushion is really cute and your recipe looks delicious! Can't wait to try both of them!

  111. I do so love this truck/tree farm - I will be making this up for my grandson's room for décor for Christmas. Thank you every so much!!!

  112. The Christmas truck is perfect for my grandson. He loves cars and trucks. Am selecting wools as we speak. Thank you for your generosity. Have a wonderful Christmas.


  113. Hey Pam! What fun this has been checking in each day! Thanks for sharing your family traditions and your super project! I have a red truck that has a tree or two in the back. Will make your cheese spread for our family get together. Keep shining! I can feel the twinkle all the way here in Colorado! Merry! Merry!

  114. Can you ever have enough scissors? The red pick-up is adorable!
    Jane Arthur

  115. I love your darling pattern! I want an old red pickup full of Christmas trees sitting in my driveway also!
    Actually I have an old white one there right now, as we were up in the mountains yesterday getting trees - but they will all soon be inside twinkling brightly!
    Winning those snips would sure be fun!

  116. Thank you so much for sharing this sweet little pattern and recipe. I'm new to your work so have really been enjoying your blog. Merry Christmas!
    Symantha T.

  117. thanks for the pattern .I love the colours of the treefarm pinkeep.I will be making this up after Christmas. Thanks for the give away.
    I wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
    Catherine from Bretagne in France

  118. Thanks, Pam, not only for this post with more Christmas creations, but for all your inspiration all year long!

  119. What a lovely creative post Pam, your Christmas tree truck pin cushion is lovely. Thanks for designing it for us to enjoy.

    I have some of this gingher snips and just love them. I have them on a pretty ribbon to hang around my neck so I always know where the cap is. I'd oroblabh gift them to a special friend if I won them to spread the holiday cheer.

    Thanks for your generosity today and every day.

  120. Thank you for the lovely gift you gave us today. The woolie tree farm pattern is sooooo cute. Definitely going to make one this holiday season. Merry Christmas!

  121. I really love the Tree Farm Pinkeep! Thank you so very much for sharing the pattern -- definitely making this after the holidays. :D Merry Christmas!

  122. I really enjoyed your post today! So full of Christmas spirit. Love the pin keep...may have to make that for a friend! Thanks for the pattern!

  123. Love the Red Truck! I purchased one over the summer and love it on my front entrance to my home.
    Happy Holidays. Kelly

  124. One of the shops here in Minnesota does have a pick up out front with a tree in it. I love ion keeps too, thanks for the recipe, pattern, and chance to win.

  125. An absolutely adorable red truck! Will have to try the recipe too, looks so good.

  126. Thanks for a chance, and the pattern and recipe. Merry Christmas

  127. I'm going to have to make that recipe. Bacon, cheese and almonds! I live in an area that had a lot of Christmas tree farms so your little pin keep is a perfect reminder of Christmas in Oregon and will be a nice addition to the table by my sewing chair in the front room. Thanks so much for the free pattern and the opportunity to win the little snips..

  128. Pam thank you for the lovely blog post. I could just feel the Christmas spirit as I read it. Thank you for the lovely pin keep pattern. I have been wanting to do one with a red truck with trees but never could find the right pattern. My grandfather had a red pickup truck when I was growing up and I just loved it. I sure wish I had one now. Thanks for your generosity. Merry Christmas!!! Janet

  129. Absolutely love your red truck pattern! Will be scrounging for fabric in the barn this evening. Thank you for such a generous giveaway! Happy Holidays!

  130. This SO reminds me of our yearly trips to the tree farm. Thank you! Sandi

  131. What a wonderful design. I can't wait to whip this one up.

  132. I love the little pinkeep pattern you shared! I printed it right off. Thanks so much for your generousity!

  133. What fun reading about your Christmas traditions. Love the little red truck...will make one of them for my grandson as he loves toys. Thanks for the chance to win the scissors...one cannot have too many scissors. Merry Christmas to your family

  134. Pam, Thanks for the recipe and free pattern. It is so cute!! Merry Christmas to you!!

  135. As always Pam your design is just perfect! Hope you're doing well. Can't wait to make this!! Merry Christmas!

  136. Ms Pam, Merry Christmas and thanks for the recipe and pattern for the gorgeous pinkeep. We do have a vintage RED Chevrolet that could rock some trees. Thanks for sharing your inspiration. Robin Wood

  137. Pam, bedankt voor het leuke en mooie patroon! Ik ga er een voor mijn kleinzoon en een voor mijzelf maken! Wij vinden het geweldig!!!! Vrolijk kerstfeest gewenst !

  138. Pam your pinkeep is precious. We usually take our truck to get our Christmas tree, so this pattern really has meaning to me. I have done your Prairie Women's Circle club and have always liked your patterns. Connie spalding

  139. Adorable pinkeep...love the design. Thanks for the recipe and pattern. Happy holidays, Pat

  140. I love the little red plaid pickup!

  141. I know it's not a contest, Pam. And I have stitched several of Debbie Busby's designs (love them), but that little pick up truck just rocks Christmas! Thanks so much, it is going to the top of my pile!

    The spread recipe is going to the office Christmas party this week, too! The Gingher snips are wonderful and so generous. Thanks for an awesome day on the blog hop!

  142. HI, love this post>so bright+cheery!
    Thanks for sharing a neat giveaway too!


  143. The little red pickup reminds me of the 52 green pickup by Dad had when I was a kid. Also, Gingher cutting utinsils are my favorite. I think I will have to make one of these pinkeeps - but maybe a green truck instread. Lola Z

  144. You are too sweet, giving us that pincushion pattern and a chance to win the snips. I have never seen the snips in my area so I am assuming they are new. I will be making the pincushion today for a guild member's birthday this month. Thanks for the pattern, it is just perfect as I was at a loss for an idea.

  145. Merry Christmas. Thanks for the give away. Your pincushion is too cute. Now to squeeze in time to make some. Maybe this should be a Christmas in July Hop so we have plenty of time to make these gifts.

  146. Ahh Christmas traditions and isn't it wonderful to have your children join the fun? Learning to do wool applique onto cotton is on my "to learn bucket list for 2015."

  147. The truck is so cute! Thank you!
    I must try the recipe, it sounds so delish.
    Add me to the giveaway please! I've never seen those cutters before.
    Merry Christmas!

  148. Too cute and a must have at this house. Thanks for all of your wonderful patterns and Merry Christmas!

  149. I have yet to try woolen applique but your tree farm pattern just might push me over the edge. Thank you for such a nice giveaway and Happy Holidays!

  150. Color me inspired! I never thought of using pin keeps around the house to enjoy simply for their adorableness! Now I can justify making as many as I want to put in a bowl just to enjoy and not saving them for pins and needles. We are a cheeseball loving family, and your dip is right up our alley. Thanks so much for sharing such a great patternn and recipe! Just another reason to adore you and your designs!!!

  151. Oh how fun! I just love to visit your blog! You always inspire me! Thank you for the great pattern. Merry Christmas!!

  152. I LOVE this little truck pillow Pam! What a clever thing to think of. Thanks for sharing your talent!

  153. I love your little pinkeep! I will have to make one in my brother's memory, as we just lost him to brain cancer and he would have loved this as a tree ornament!! he loved his trucks! Thanks so much for sharing this it made my day! and such a wonderful chance to win such an awesome pair of scissors!! have lovely holidays!! thanks. sorry if this posts twice had a problem signing in!!??

  154. Have never seen those Gingher snips! Would love to try them... Thank you for your recipe and pattern.
    Deborah Mooney

  155. Pam thank you so much for your sweet, vintage-look pinkeep design! It has a very olden-time appeal to it with the old farm truck carrying the fresh cut Christmas tree back home ready to decorate...just {{love it}}!! And can't wait to try your cheesy cracker spread...have been looking for a good recipe & now you have one...sounds yummy! What an extra treat to offer a chance to win a pair of Ginger Snips too...thanks again!! Merry Christmas to you & yours, Diane

  156. I don't think my comment went thru so I will try again. I love the pin keep and will definitely be making this. Thanks so much for sharing.

  157. Sweet! I love the look of these scissors! Thank you for sharing the pattern and giveaway!

  158. Thank you for the adorable pin keep pattern! I'm printing it off right now!!!!! The scissors look awesome!

  159. I like your little pinkeep. Thank you for the pattern. Thank you, also, for taking cookies to the firehouse! My SIL just retired from the Fire Dept and I know how much they appreciated the goodies brought to them.


  160. Thank you so much for the recipe. I am definitely making it for my family. Your project is so cute. Love Christmas trees! Ann P.

  161. I have recently joined as follower of your blog. It is very enjoyable. kweather78@aol.com

  162. I love this wool pattern, thank you so much! I agree these thread snips are the best-especially with the lanyard you can wear around your neck. The older I get, the harder it is to keep track of where I set the scissors! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

  163. I love the pin keep.....can't wait to make one for my bowl! P.S. Your new reds are wonderful!

  164. I love your little pin keep! Can't wait to try your recipe! Merry Christmas!

  165. Love the pinkeep..printing now...i need those snips too!!

  166. I'm loving this pin keep. I have fond memories of White Christmases in PA. Thank you so much for your participating in the blog hop, for making the firemen happy, and a great pattern.

  167. Merry Christmas! I love that little pin keep. We go to a tree farm every Christmas to get our tree so I will definitely have to make this. thanks for sharing and for the giveaway.

  168. Thanks so much for the yummy recipe and darling pinkeep pattern! I appreciate you sharing your talents! Thanks for the terrific opportunity for the snips--fingers are crossed!

  169. Looks like lots of Christmas memories being made at your house. Gingher makes everything special, can't go wrong.

  170. Your little red pickup with the tree is adorable. i don't know if you know this but Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments has a series of trucks with trees in tow that I have been buying for my son for at least 15 years! Yes my Christmas tree is covered in pick up trucks! and His birthday is December 15th. He will be 21 this year. Lucky boy. and another truck will show up in his Christmas stocking again this year. Santa just doesn't know when to stop.

  171. I have followed you for years and been in your Prairie Womem's Club. Your projects are so charming and are especially perfect for the holidays. Love the displays in your home too! Thank you for sharing your unique style.

  172. Love your red pickup and Christmas trees.... reminds me of my childhood, but I think we only had station wagons. And, boy, was it cold!!
    Love to win the snips, thanks for the chance.

  173. Let me just say that now that you have leaped out of your comfort zone and designed this absolutely adorable pinkeep, I hope it won't be the last! I love small woolie projects like this. They're so much fun and this one will be stitched this winter when the snow blows! Thank you so much.

  174. Thank you for the opportunity to win the thread snips. I love to keep the snips next to my sewing machine. The dip looks great, and I'll definitely try it this year for the holidays. Thank you

  175. I love, love your Tree Farm pinkeep! I can't wait to make one. I just added an old red toy pickup and vintage bottle brush to my decorations. Your design will work wonderful in an old wood bowl nearby. All the projects have been fabulous. Thanks so much for doing this hop. Happy Holidays from Strasburg, PA.

  176. Your adorable Tree Farm pickup is such a memory trigger for me. It looks so much like the pickup I used when I first learned to drive, way back in the olden days on an Iowa farm. Of course yours is cuter.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win the snips. They look like they'd be a favorite tool for anyone who has one.

  177. Thanks for your giveaway! You have such great patterns and fabric. Will try to yummy recipe!

  178. I LOVE the Tree Farm pattern! I, too, would love to have a red truck to haul all those things that never fit in my car. You are one of my favorite designers and I cherish your fabrics. Sure like the new red patterns! Red makes me happy, so I try to get all I can. Now I need to use it (so hard to cut it up!!)

  179. Love the new line of fabric! The recipe sounds wonderful. It will be one of the ones I use this year. Thank you for sharing your ideas, pattern and recipe with us. Have a great Holiday Season!

    Take care.


  180. Thank you for the pattern! It's lovely. Those ginghers look awesome too. I love anything Ginger.

  181. Love love love the "Tree Farm" Pattern. Will look perfect on my Kansas farm! jmh

  182. Thank you for sharing the recipe (it look delicious) and the little truck with trees Tree Farm pattern (which is adorable). I've always wondered how the little Gingher snips would work. I'd love to give them a try.

  183. Pam, thank you for sharing your recipe and the pin keep is so cute! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

  184. Thank you for sharing this pattern. It is my favorite sew far. I have also enjoyed looking at your blog, your photos are great!

  185. Ooo, that dip sounds fabulous! Must try next time I need to take a goody to eat somewhere. And the truck pinkeep is SO ADORABLE! Thanks for the giveaway!

  186. The dip looks yummy! I will have to try this. Love the pin keep. Thanks for the chance to win!

  187. What a cute pin keep! I can "see" that truck on a few other projects also. Thanks!

  188. I would love to have your daughter bake for me! This year I will be recuperating from Colon Cancer surgery so no cookies for me. Your patterns are so cute!

  189. Will definitely try the dip recipe. And I love the pin keep. Thanks for the giveaway.

  190. Very cut truck! Reminds me of going to the woods for a tree. Lucky persons who win the snips!! I love those and keep them close by.

  191. Thank you for sharing your dip recipe--something new to try. I love your wool pinkeep--it is precious. Thanks for all you do for the quilting world.

  192. Thank you so much for the pattern and recipe. Would love to win!

  193. I love the pinkeep. Thank you so much for the pattern. I'm really liking your new patterns also.

  194. What a lovely blog and a great line of reds. Haven't seen those snips before and would love a pair.

  195. Your dip recipe looks so YUMMY. I will definitely be making it this weekend. Thank you so much for the pin keep pattern and the chance to win the snips. Merry Christmas!
