Monday, March 9, 2015

Spring Thyme Blog Hop!

Welcome to my day of Buttermilk Basin's Spring Thyme Blog Hop!  I'm so glad you're here!

Most of us have been living through a dreadful winter that just keeps on going.  We're SO ready for Spring Thyme, aren't we??!  It's been nice to visit each designer's blog to bring a little Spring into our lives.   

I'm betting your anxious to get to my Spring I won't keep you in suspense any longer.  

Patchwork In Bloom Pinkeep 

Pastel colors just don't live at my home, so I chose to create my Patchwork In Bloom Pinkeep to match the colors of my kitchen.  Of course, you can certainly choose to make yours in any colors you'd like, for where you want to display or use your pinkeep.  

Making it is very easy.....

Begin with the patches.  It's fun to choose some sweet prints you can fussy-cut to make things a little more interesting.  They're happy, little surprises in your projects.

The Union Forever print by Judie Rothermel for Marcus Fabrics
I adore this little red 'The Union For ever' print, and try to fit it into as many projects as I can.  
Fussy cutting can be tricky sometimes, and I want to keep every little scrap I have of this fabric, so I used my Frixion pen to outline the design area I wanted, and add the seam allowances.  When I was happy with the position of the center design, I cut it out.  The Frixion pen is great because any heat (iron), or friction will remove the ink, so you can draw again, and again if need be, to get the design exactly where you want it without cutting into the fabric.  (Frixion pens are available at your local quilt shop and some office supply stores.) 

Sew your patchwork top together.
Add a pretty fabric for the bottom of your pinkeep.  

I chose to use red twill tape to add a little splash to my pinkeep.  You can use ribbon or any other fun embellishments you want.  I used Roxanne's Glue Baste-It (love that stuff!) to tack the ribbon in place before sewing it.  

I used blue thread and big stitches to sew my twill tape to my pinkeep.  The Roxanne's glue allowed me to keep the twill tape positioned exactly where I wanted it to be with no pins in my way.  

Sew your pinkeep together.  Using pins meant specifically for patchwork will aide greatly in keeping your seam allowance accurate.  See how flat the fabric lay even with pins in there! They're the greatest!!  If you'd like, you can order these pins here.  Turn and stuff your pinkeep.

Add a little wool flower, and some cute buttons, and you're all done!  That was pretty easy, right?

And here is where my Patchwork In Bloom Pinkeep lives, in an antique dough bowl, on my kitchen island.  It makes me happy!  

Click here for the Patchwork In Bloom Pinkeep pattern.  

As salads go, the usual garden salad with bottled dressing is a ho-hum for me.  I love a salad with inventive ingredients and home-made salad dressing.  This one is a favorite in my house.  If you don't like dried cherries, you can substitute dried Craisins, dried blueberries, or pop in fresh fruit.  The salad dressing is oh- so yummy with a hint of maple syrup.  It makes a fabulous pairing with the salad ingredients.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!  

Click here to print the recipe.

Those wonderful patchwork pins are a must have for me now, as well as a new notion (new to me, anyway) my friend Deb gave me.  The little thimble pads are just great when hand sewing. I hate wearing a thimble, but there are times you just have to have one on.  These little leather pads stick to your finger, giving you the protection you want without the feeling that you're wearing a giant bandage.  Click here to order Thimblepads. 

I have a few extra packages of these little goodies to give away!!  Leave me a comment about how you've been surviving your winter (including those of you in warm climates!), and what you plan to sew in the spring.  I'll chose two winners on Friday, March 13...lucky Friday the 13th!!!

I'm so glad you stopped by my blog for a quick visit.  My thanks to Stacy West of Buttermilk Basin for coordinating our Spring Thyme Blog Hop!  Hope you're having as much fun as we are.  

Be sure to visit NotForgotten Farm tomorrow!!

Sending a special thank you to Charlotte S. in California, for her kindness and inspiration.  


  1. Love the pinkeep. Now don't get jealous, while you've suffered with the cold I've been enjoying our Summer and now Autumn is on the way. How, I live downunder. Hoping your giveaway comes this far.

  2. The weather here on Long Island New York has been a bit more snowy than usual. I've had enough shoveling for this year. I enjoy falL and spring so much more, especially the smells of the seasons. Stay warm spring is just around the corner. ;-> Toni Anne

  3. Thank you for the wonderful pattern and recipe, it sounds delish.....also for the wonderful tips you've added in this segment, the pins, the pen ( which I definetly will be looking for, thank you)....i would love to be in on the giveaway, I am always looking for something for my fingers I have used bandages in the past, they only work for a bit...
    As for our weather, I am in northeast Ohio so we have had a really rough winter, not like in Boston, but we've had our share of snow, and freezing temps... But there is a light at the end of the tunnel...40's this week.... I am currently working on spring punch needle and some sewing projects for a open house next week...Happy Spring!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Pam, thank you for the lovely pinkeep pattern and yummy salad recipe. Can't wait to try them both. the Union Forever fabric is awesome - is it still on the market for purchase. Thank you so much for all your wonderful tips and all you bring to the quilting community. Here is Michigan the weather is slowly creeping into the 40's - Spring is on the way!! Take care. Dolores

  6. Hi and thanks for the give away!! Here on the frozen tundra of central Illinois, I kept my snow shovel right by the door as well as the bag of driveway salt. Parkas and sweatshirts were standard apparel. Now it is getting warmer, I hope that means that spring is on the way!! Supposed to be in the high 40s today!!

  7. Pan, your pin keep is adorable!! And the little fussy cut fabric is so cute! Thanks for the great recipe and pattern. Bring on the warm weather!!!

  8. A pretty and useful project, thanks!

  9. Cute project. I have been inside this winter with a knee replacement while my new sewing machine waits for me. It's such torture. Just when I think I might be able to do something I have to take more pain med which puts me in a zone. Oh well spring is coming and I just might get in there yet.

  10. Pam, your pinkeep is adorable! Thanks for the pattern. I'm sure hoping spring is coming to my neck of the woods as I'm very tired of snow and cold.

  11. The pin keep is adorable. I've done a lot of hand work with wool over this long cold winter. It's suppose to be in the 50s This week in Chicago. Spring is just around the corner! I'm working on UFOs. It's always nice to get a few done before starting something new!

  12. Thank you for your pin keep design and suggestion to fussy cut the squares; your dressing recipe sounds delicious!. I've spent the winter keeping busy with sewing and stitching. Fortunately, it's warming up and we can take the dog for longer runs.

  13. Your patterns are always so in my favorite style of fabrics and love the variety of textures you use with the twill, wool and cottons. Thanks for sharing. Been in a warmer climate for two months so worked on EPP since I didn't have my stash or machine but headed back to home.

  14. It is supposed to be 55 today, so this is the week I need to start thinking about exersizing. Butttttt, I also have a retreat this month, so need to get kits put together.

  15. Love your pinkeep. This winter I shoveled lots of snow!!!! I'm so ready for spring. I will be making a baby quilt for my nephews first baby.

  16. Love this project! I will have to make it! L

  17. I love the pinkeep. This winter has been cold and wet here in the South. I usually play golf all winter long but i have only been able to play a few times all winter.

  18. Always love following your blog...our styles and colorway preferences concide perfectly. I have a small collection of pinkeep patterns, and make one every now & then to have on hand for Bee birthdays.

  19. Surviving by quilting & sewing! Love the pins- that's what I always recommend. Can't believe people use those big honkin' quilting pins for their patchwork!

  20. Thank goodness for my fabric and quilting addictions or I would not have survived this winter. Besides the many feet of snow, the temperatures were crazy! It was -15 some nights and a lucky day that it even hit 20. We had several months where we never went above freezing. I stayed by the woodstove with my tea and fabric stash! I got lots done but started even more. Yup, fabric is a great insulator. I love really thin pins with glass heads- are those my favorite??

  21. Love the pin keeper. i have spent the winter changing clothes, living in Texas, it is 20 degrees one day, and 70 the next. We have had an unusual winter, so glad for my projects. Thanks for sharing your love for quilting.

  22. We have been fortunate in Spokane WA this year. Winter usually goes on and on and on. This year was fairly mild and it is looking like spring is early this year. I have been trying to finish up old projects and not start any more new projects. We will see how long that lasts!

  23. I love making pinkeeps and making them for friends. I escaped what little winter we had by going to Maui for a week!! We actually live in snow country and are in need of the white stuff!

  24. My colors, my style. This will be a sweet project . Winter has been crazy here but spring is trying to come.. Thanks

  25. Thank you so much for the darling are so thorough in your directions! I love your style!! I will be adding this to my spring list! Winter has gone quickly in Iowa...I seem to just quilt away. I am looking forward to working on pastels...however I never tire of red, white and blue. Have a Happy Day!

  26. adorable pin keep. Our winter has not been bad here in NC. Cold with only a couple snows. I just stay inside and sew which works for me.

  27. How do I stave off winter? I DON'T!! I'm one of those weird winter-loving people! LOL. Here in SE Iowa, we did not have as much snow as we have had in recent years :-( . Pam, I think we must be soul-sisters - I love antiques and samplers also. This winter, I started my Dear Jane quilt. I am hoping to make just as Jane did so many years ago - piecing it by hand. I have never pieced a quilt by hand. Yes, I've quilted by hand and done much embroidery work but never piecing. We'll see how long it take me! Thank you for your adorable pinkeep. I love your fabrics and designs. Blessings to you.

  28. Winter.... This is the first winter of my retirement and I spent it with my kids and grandkids, traveling, and sewing. It was wonderful...thanks for the chance to win!

  29. this winter in western Colorado has been mild, not too much snow, so has been great.

  30. I've stayed in the house huddled up to the wood stove with my stitching so the winter has had its benefits. I am working on my hexie quilt in spring greens!

  31. We moved to Oregon last summer and the winter here has been wonderful! I like winter because I don't like hot weather and when we lived in Texas (30 years) I always dreaded the summer coming. Love your pin keep! I was sorting through some scraps yesterday and found some fabric just like the blue floral you used on one side of it! Coming up, I have a log cabin quilt on my design wall that I want to get sewn together and I have been making lots of 4" saw tooth stars to make into table runners or doll quilts for my Easy shop.

  32. Our winter has broke records! So did I...I made 4 minkee baby blankets to give away. Now I think it's time I make myself a new bag...definitely won't be snow white!

  33. One day at a time to get through winter! It helps if the sun is shinning. Thanks so much for the pinkeep pattern. And especially all of you photo instructions. I will be making this for sure. We cannot sit outside yet--but soon warm temps will get here.

    Judy heartland stitcher

  34. Record breaking snow and temps here in Upstate New York -- more like what I remember winter being like whe I was a child. However, not venturing out to play in the snow as I did back then! Now I enjoy sitting omn my sofa and quilting away on several projects. Also in the middle of a hand applique project as well as some piecing for a set of baby quilts for my new twin grandsons!
    LOVE your pinkeep (not much of a pastel girl either) and soo appreciate your clear directions and tips for soem great tools (that Frixon pen!), not to mention the time you generously shared creating this great project! Many thanks for more winter fun!

  35. Our snow is quickly melting, and I'm starting to make a couple of baby quilts for this summer! thanks for a very cute pattern.

  36. Michigan weather has been cold and snow but sun is out and I can begin the un-hibernation. Love your fabric choices!

  37. Hi Pam - Yes its been a long, long winter in Michigan. We kind of got cabin fever and went to a camper show and yes bought a new (bigger) camper. Can't wait til spring! Thanks for the pattern and salad recipe.

  38. I just discovered wool applique this winter And it is great fun. I look forward to sitting on my three season porch machine quilting some quilts with the windows opened wide. I wonder if spring will ever come to the Boston area....

  39. It's been a miserable warm dry winter for us in Utah - sure wish we could get some snow before the summer season arrives - we need the water in our reservoirs! Thanks for such a darling little pinkeep pattern! Loving this blog hop!

  40. Cute project. I have done a lot of reading this winter. I am anxious to get out in the flower beds and clean them up.

  41. Thank you for the pinkeep, it is so pretty, we have only had a couple of dumps of snow so a very mild one, did a little sewing and visiting the grandchildren, now I am able to garder a little and watch the bulbs poking their heads out, Lorraine

  42. Cute pinkeep! I live in Ohio so I've been hibernating and sewing all winter. I have put 3 applique projects on the back burner months ago and these are for spring/summer so when I finish the quilt I'm working on now those projects take top priority. Love your blog & patterns. ~ Jody Randall

  43. What a cute pin keep and that salad sounds wonderful!! Here in Kansas, we've had a pretty normal winter. Some really cold days, a few pretty mild days and a bit more snow than usual, but not too much. All-in-all, we were lucky this year:)

  44. Virginia has been cold and when it snows we have been blessed with 10-12 inches at a time. Thanks for the cute pinkeep, you can never have too many.....

  45. So. California has wierd weather, 80s, then hail/rain--which seems to result in colds going around. I'm taking lots of vitamin C, walking and quilting after work-- my favorite time of the day!

  46. I live in central TX so we sort of have a winter. I survive by quilting and cooking. We joke that if you wait 10 minutes the weather will change.

  47. Thank you for the sweet pinkeep pattern and recipe. I am not too good with wearing thimbles either, I find I am all 'fingers & thumbs". Well here in New Zealand we have just started Autumn, although it is still very summery. I look forward to winter as I am a winter lover.

  48. I survive winter in Iowa with a sweatshirt, a quilt and hand-work projects (EPP and embroidery) on the couch by the fireplace. Thanks for the pattern and the salad recipe- now that it has warmed up, salads sound delicious again!

  49. Oh how sweet!
    Out in the PNW here, there's been no winter to speak of. We've had some drippy, dreary weeks though.....lots of reading and knitting by the woodstove.

    t_ktl at

  50. Love the pin keep! It is right up my alley. Thank you so much for your pattern. Would live the giveaway also but I really just wanted to say Thank you!

  51. I love your design! Thanks for the opposrtunity. I've been surviving the winter by making baby quilts in bright Crayola colors.

  52. Pam, I love your pin keep - such a sweet design! And the recipe sounds interesting and yummy too. We're just heading into Autumn's been a hot summer so I'm happy about that... I have plenty of sewing to do to keep me happy through the winter months!

  53. Your pinkeep is sooo sweet! I love the colors! I have the same white and blue star bowl as you showed in the first picture. It was my grandmothers and I cherish it. The salad sounds wonderful! I live in Wisconsin and this winter has been cold so I started quilting. I fell in love with making mini quilts and adding wool applique (another love) makes them so much fun to make.
    Thanks for sharing your pattern and salad,

  54. Love your blog! The pin keep is darling! Winters here are spent quilting! Can't imagine doing anything else when the snow flies. :)

  55. I love your pinkeep! I'm plugging along on your new quilt, A Prairie Gathering. It is coming along so nicely and I'm really taking it slow and easy and measuring each step of the way, just as you said. So far, I think it is the nicest work I've done. Thanks for the hints and pictures along the way!

  56. I confess... I have escaped northern Illinois to spend time in lower Alabama. I'm working on a mystery "Scrap -in-a- Box" and will complete it this spring.

  57. Thank you for a wonderful pattern. I am about to make a gift for a special person and the pin keep will be perfect. Enjoy your spring and summer. We are heading into autumn in New Zealand and have winter ahead of us. Not my favourite season but it does mean lots more sewing on the days it is not nice enough to get outside.

  58. Ohhh, that little pin keep is adorable. I especially like your selection of lights! Thanks for sharing the pattern and directions and for the recipe, too.

    During this cold Ohio winter I have been turning the heat up just a little higher and hand quilting. And I also cleaned a very full closet.

  59. Your little pin keep is really sweet. We live in Utah, and this has been the most mild winter since we moved here 10 yrs. ago! I still snuggle under my flannel "raggy" quilt whenever I can and try to do some hand stitching. Spring is around the corner, so out will come the tulips and the lighter and brighter fabrics to stitch up a new quilt. Thanks!

  60. Thanks, Pam, for the little pin keep! Who makes those patchwork pins you like so much? I wonder if they are the same as the ones I already have. It's been a cooler winter in middle Georgia, but warming up nicely. I've been getting quilts & table runners ready for our guild quilt show which starts this Friday! Angelia (

  61. i'm working on my Lucy Boston quilt blocks. I just love your little pin keep thanks so much!

  62. i'm working on my Lucy Boston quilt blocks. I just love your little pin keep thanks so much!

  63. I am ready for Spring! Long Winter here in MI but I have been sewing and reading!

  64. Love the pinkeep. Will have to add it to my to-do list. I've spent the winter in Florida and just glad I didn't have to deal with snow and ice. I don't miss snow one bit. After driving on snowy roads for many years when I was working it's nice to be away from it. Got a lot of quilting done when not sitting outdoors. Jan/WI

  65. Lots of quilting and sewing accomplished this winter. Northern Michigan is known for its cherries so I definitely will be trying that salad ... thanks for sharing! Pinkeep is adorable and would make the perfect Christmas exchange gift for my guild dinner ... thanks for the instructions! Thanks also for the contest ... always fun! Linda

  66. Quilting time is helping me to survive winter. ;-)
    Love your pinkeep!

  67. Your pin keep is just what I need in my butter bowl. It has been sitting empty for the past forty years and needs to be re-purposed. The pins would be a nice addition to my collection. I always seem to be looking for something that will work (better). The weather here in Southern Ontario has been brutal but we finally had some bright sun and above freezing temps. The sap will be flowing but I still have time to do some sewing before the garden needs my attention.

  68. Living in Nebraska, we usually have our share of snow. This winter we've had 2 storms 2 days apart and that's pretty much it. Hope that doesn't mean we'll have snow in April! I have two wedding quilts to finish for my nephews' weddings this summer.

  69. I've been surviving the Midwestern winter by getting plenty of indoor exercise and working on wool applique and sewing projects when I can. Thank you for sharing your lovely pincushion design ! I'm attending a sister's weekend quilt retreat later this summer and this project would make a great gift for me to make for the other attendee's

  70. I've been surviving the Midwestern winter by getting plenty of indoor exercise and working on wool applique and sewing projects when I can. Thank you for sharing your lovely pincushion design ! I'm attending a sister's weekend quilt retreat later this summer and this project would make a great gift for me to make for the other attendee's

  71. I have survived the winter organizing my sewing room and working on UFO's. I have sorted and folded fabric, organized scraps and organized my books, magazines and patterns. It not only makes it easier to find things but reminds me of what I already have! I love your pinkeep! I collect and make pincushions and this is will be a great addition-thanks!

  72. Our winter has been cold (not unexpected in Minnesota!) but the snow has been minimal. I've survived by cocooning myself in my sewing room and working on various projects to give away. Your pinkeep is adorable. Perfect to give to the hostess of our quilty friends gathering next month. Thanks for sharing.

  73. I have spring fever big time this year. Today the sun was shining and the birds were singing and the snow was melting! I love your sweet pinkeep.

  74. This winter has been really tough for us. Lots of snow, and neither my husband or I are in good enough health to shovel much. I have spent my free time dreaming of springy quilts to make.

  75. Oh my winter....... Trying to quilt between surgeries doctors appointments and pain, I haven't gotten much done besides rest and sleep. It had to get better right? As long as I can still feel my right sewing arm foot I am good. Also a dear 88 year old woman gave me her polyester quilting fabric collection so now I need to figure out poly vs cotton.

  76. I am so ready for winter to be over! I have survived by sewing a memory quilt, lots of hand and machine embroidery and lovin' on the grandkids. Looking forward to sewing up a few quilt tops using beautiful soft florals.

  77. I am so ready for winter to be over! I have survived by sewing a memory quilt, lots of hand and machine embroidery and lovin' on the grandkids. Looking forward to sewing up a few quilt tops using beautiful soft florals.

  78. Your pinked is wonderful! I've survived winter by finishing a wall quilt that came out quite well. Now I'm doing some crocheting, while I plan out new quilt projects!

  79. It has been a long winter here in Wisconsin. I stitch away lots of it. I do like to snowshoe but haven't been able to do this, too cold when we had the snow. I love your sweet project. Can't wait to make one.
    Thank you. Kathy

  80. Adorable pinkeep!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  81. I think we are seeing warm weather headed our way. I've been quilting and planning the garden. I use those pins exclusively for my patchwork. The thimble pads are a great idea! I'm going to make the pin keep for a friend's birthday. Thanks for the pattern!!

  82. Adding this sweet pin keep to my list of projects! So cute! We have had a mild winter here in Nevada. But winter is still winter and I've been keeping myself busy with all those great block of the months and ornaments of the month that talented designers are offering. So much wool and fabric goodness!

  83. I find it difficult to complain about the winter here on the east coast as yesterday was a beautiful day and spring is around the corner. But yes, it has been a rough winter with snow almost every day in the month of February. Many days of quilting with friends and guild meetings have been cancelled. Quilting with friends keeps you motivated and inspired. I've spent this time, between shoveling snow, working on unfinished projects.

    Love your blog and every fabric line you have created. Anxiously awaiting the arrival of Treenware and Berries. Thank you for the chance to win.

  84. That's a lovely pin keep. Winter here is almost over. It's nice and sunny most days although it's deceptive as its still quite cold.

  85. Winter has been long here in Western NY. I have survived the bitter cold (warm day today, already up to 18 degrees and climbing) by quilting with friends and fondling batiks and civil war fabrics...and stocking up on a few new Pam Buda's, of course. Looking forward to getting outside without multiple layers again soon...visitng shops and bike riding without snow piles.
    Love the blog and all the great ideas. Thank you for keeping them coming, and sharing so many links to others. Thank you also for the gifts and chances to birthday just happens to be on this Friday...maybe it will be my turn to win...fingers are crossed.

    1. Not sure why my name is a strange set of numbers and letters but that probably speaks to my computer skills. I am really dmspkm (aka: Pat Mineo).

  86. I am so excited to "meet" another quilt designer as a result of this amazing Spring Thyme blog hop. I LOVE your pinkeep. The fabrics are "oh so mine" and I love the traditional patchwork.
    Winter always is long in the north country, but since we've had a few days of above freezing temps, I have been scraping the old paint off our barn and chicken coop, preparing for a spring painting. (It gets me outdoors in the sun & I am protected from the flying paint chips with my winter wear!!!) Of course, I need to make time to do some piecing/stitching every day to fill my craving for fabric. :)
    Thank you for the adorable pattern. I plan to begin this project tonight. Your salad ingredients are on my grocery list for a weekend treat. Yum.

  87. I can't wait to make the pin keep and try the new recipe. As far as my winter, well I live on the coastal part of NC and it's not too bad.
    Hope to be soon working on some Spring table mats for my home decorating.

  88. Love the pinkeep. Can't wait for spring!

  89. I love your sweet pinkeep - thanks so much for sharing the pattern. Your recipes looks tasty...and oh...could I use those Thimblepads! Thank you for the chance to win.

  90. Hi Pam -- Thanks for the pinkeep project -- it's so cute !! How am I surviving the winter ??? I went on a quilting cruise for a week out of Galveston, Texas aboard the Carnival Magic. I love Key West !!! I had been on this same ship, same itinerary two years ago and fell in love with Key West. This time we toured the Hemingway House. Fascinating life of Ernest Hemingway !!! Meanwhile we fluctuate between cold and warm but that's Houston !!!

  91. I recently bought a sewing machine and began quilting this winter. I am working on my second baby quilt. Thanks for a chance to win!

  92. This has surely been a long Cold one here in Illinois. Love the Bee I go to and a chance to talk and find inspiration. Loved your program at the Rockford Quilt Guild and hope all your classes turned out great.


  93. I almost always look forward to the winter months, hoping to get lots of sewing done and finishing some UFO's...but somehow it never happens the way I want it too. :-)

  94. Major cleaning & organizing of fabrics, finishing some smaller projects, and catching up on quilt & other magazines that had been piling up on my bedside table. Love your pinkeep, thank you for the pattern. Will definitely try the dressing, sounds yummy! Ani in NC

  95. After a rather cold midwest winter, it was over 50 today! I have spent the winter hand sewing little hexies. Oh, I could use a thimble pad when I hand sew. I've never gotten the hang of sewing with a thimble and my finger hurts because of it! My 88 year old mother lives with me and has lost a lot of her vision, so we listen to a LOT of audio books when I come home from work. Sewing gets done, I enjoy a good book and I have blessed time to share with my mother.

  96. Hi I'm from Down Under and we are having a very hot season, but with air-con it makes life easier, well easier for me as I can still sew to my hearts content, although having a quilt on the lap is not much fun so will wait to do hand stitching, but just as well i love to embroider or anything else for that matter to keep me busy!! thanks for the chance to win, hoping it get warmer for you soon :-)))

  97. I loved reading this very fun and a delightful pinkeep! We had a snowy winter here in i stayed by the fire and have been finishing up my Row-Along quilt. That's been fun and takes my mind off the cold outside. i would love to win your giveaway!

  98. Your pinkeep is beautiful as well as the tutorial that you included. I also love those Thimble Pads. They help me get through the Midwest winters because my hands get so dried & cracked. Sewing, whether by hand or machine, is what gets me through the cold season. Love to use brighter colors to brighten my mood!

  99. I've survived this winter (such as it is here in sunny SoCal!) by working on a quilt pattern from my LQS. It requires snowballing 1300 3" squares, which I finished this week. Now I'm ready to start building blocks!

  100. I've survived this winter (such as it is here in sunny SoCal!) by working on a quilt pattern from my LQS. It requires snowballing 1300 3" squares, which I finished this week. Now I'm ready to start building blocks!

  101. Our winter has not been too bad. The East got all of our snow! Finished a counted cross stitch sampler, working on English paper piecing grandmothers flower garden in civil war colors and machine sewing blocks with a lot of half square triangles. Staying busy. Would love some thimble pads. I, too, cannot stand a bulky thimble.

  102. I've been surviving off of my children's happiness at having snow days, and playing with them outside in it. Also by sewing, of course!

  103. Winter in the northwest has been pretty mild. We could use some snow. Winter is still winter so to survive it I quilt! I've been working on some little quilts, so fun!
    What else is there?

  104. Winter here in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex was fairly mild, except for a few weeks of ice, snow and freezing temps. I coped by staying in off the slippery roads with plenty of hot soup on hand, and by sewing! Spring will find me binding several quilts, continuing work on my applique orange peel blocks, and finishing up an 1800's fabric block exchange with several friends. I'm also going on several retreats and a quilting cruise -- yippee! Hope to get my hands on some of your "Treenware & Berries" line, too!

  105. Here in Southwestern Idaho, the weather has been above normal temps. The flowers are already up, the winter wheat is about 6" high and the trees are budding out. While it's nice to see spring, we really miss our snow in the winter!

  106. Tried to comment while we were vacationing in Australia and New Zealand but for some reason the comment did not go through. So here goes the 2nd time. I am looking forward to working on a scrappy log cabin and Stacy West's mystery quilt when the mail gets caught, along with the groceries and cleaning. Laundry is done!!

    Charlotte S.
    So. CA

  107. I am blog surfing and discovered your fun blog. Love the pillow. I LOVE winter. With a family of school aged children, snow days mean fun family time, extra tea and popcorn and snuggle time. The past few days have been warm and the crocus and snowdrops are just emerging. I love spring too but sort of would like 1 more rest and sew!

  108. Pam I love the pillow and will be making it. I am checking into the fabric you used because it spoke to my heart. I will be making your delicious recipe. Thank you
