Friday, April 3, 2015

Contest Winners and Treenware & Berries Pattern

Progress....sometimes it comes quickly, and sometimes it just seems to take soooo long.  It always seems to take so much longer when you're in a hurry, don't you think?? Treenware and Berries quilt patterns are all finished.  Click here if you'd like to order one for your stitching pleasure.  

The Tokens: Spice Box patterns are nearly complete.  I'm just crossing the T's and dotting the I's on the pattern, and then it will be sent to the printer.  That feels like good progress, too.

Last week, I decided to move ahead on a pattern idea I've been ruminating over for quite some time now.  It's another Tokens of the Past pattern, with all of the quilts featuring one of my favorite blocks....the classic Nine Patch.  Now, there are loads of wonderful Nine Patch quilt patterns out there already, and I aim to do something different, but still traditional, and I hope you'll like what's coming.  I'll be posting sneak peeks on Instagram and Facebook, so you might like to watch for those posts.  I'll be posting one later today.  Really excited about these Nine's!!

Thank you all for sharing your comments about how you organize your scraps, and the scrappy quilts you make.  I love reading each one, and appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.  It really means a whole lot to me!!

The four winners of the Churn Dash blocks are:

Charlotte S....who said.....
Right now, I am in the process of making scrappy log cabin blocks for a quilt. Sew, my box of scraps is quite low. How did I organize them, you asked. I DIDN'T ! Everything less than 2 1/2 inches was just thrown in a box. It worked for me but was a mess.

Love the churn dash block and the way you made it scrappy. Very creative.

Sewing Rose who said.....
I organize my scraps in tubs just as you do by color. Sometimes I cut 1 1/2" strips for strip quilts of various shapes. I saw your quilt in the magazine last night before I got to my email today. I love it......

45th Parallel Quilter who said.....
I have a clear, plastic shoe holder (2 shoes fit in each pocket) hanging over the back of my sewing room door. I am able to tuck scraps in each of those pockets, sorting by color. When I need scraps or something for applique I need only check out what's in those pockets. When the pockets start to get full I pull them out and just assemble scrappy nine patches, four patches or string piece. Everything is there right in front of you to see! The scrappier the quilt the better ... I especially love those that have pieces of cotton shirtings stuck in here and there. Regardless of whether I win or not (though I would REALLY like to win one of the blocks) I plan to make this quilt ... LOVE the use of so many different fabrics in this classic block!

Barbara who said.....
I love your new quilt. I will be looking out for the magazine. I sort my scraps in containers similar to yours. I have 2 sets of containers. One set for squares and one for long strips. Each set is sorted by colour. It means a lot of containers but it makes scrap quilting so much quicker.

Please email your addresses to me at, and I'll send your blocks out to you right away.  

Enjoy your weekend, and I hope you find some time to stitch!  


  1. Wow thank you Pam. My first win ever and what a special one. Thank you for your generosity. I am so looking forward to using your treenware and berries fabric range. I love it.

    1. Thank you for the Churn Dash! I will start sorting scraps today, another "tub" of paper Piecing fun!

  2. Congrats to the winners! They are all great ideas for sorting! Just received my APQ mag in the mail yesterday, so looking forward to reading all the details this weekend! :-)
