Friday, December 18, 2015

Airing of the Quilts ~ Tucker ~ Part Two

Let's continue the quilt show, shall we?!
Barbara from Kansas
Karen from MN
Kathy from CT
Kay from MA
Launa from CA
Lisa from Canada
Lori from ND
LuAnn from AZ
Lucille from OH
Martha from IA
Nancy from CO
Nancy from NY
Nancy from OH
Robin from AZ
Rose from CA
Sharon from NY
Sherryl from IL
Shirley from WI
Sue from U.K.
Susan from CT
Susan from VA
Terry from TN
Theresa from GA
Ursula from Canada
Veronica from ND
Yolande from Paris
Becky from MO
Ivani from Brazil
Judy from OH
Did you have a favorite?  We you inspired by another quilt?  I know I am, and I'll be collecting my scraps again for another Tucker as I have a few places that need that special touch only a quilt can bring.  

For most of us, these next few weeks will be spent with family and friends, celebrating the holidays, and welcoming a New Year.  I'll be doing the same with my family, although it will be very different as I lost my 34 year old sister this year, so it will be a difficult time for us, but we'll get through it together.  

It's amazing how our stitching is our constant companion through good times and sad ones.  That has been the way for stitchers from the beginning of time, and our quilting ancestors certainly wrote about it.  My stitches have been a source of peace and fulfillment for me for as long as I can remember, and I love dreaming up new things to keep our needles busy.  

2016 will be an exciting year and I hope you'll like the fabrics and projects already in the works for your consideration.  Surely there will be another Pocket Patchwork Sew-Along, although I'm not sure when or what.  

Enjoy your weekend and the anticipation that is always in the air the days before Christmas.  

And, as always, thank you so much for visiting my blog.  Stitching together is such a blessing.


  1. Thank you for a wonderful show of Tucker quilts. My prayers and hugs are heading your way as you enter the Christmas season with the memories of your sister at the forefront. Take care...

  2. Great to see some of the quilts that were made. I'm hoping that you can find some joy in the Christmas season celebrating with your family. I'm sorry for the loss of your sister.

  3. Oh Pam I'm so sorry to hear you lost your sister. I know that pain since I lost my brother two years ago. Sending you big hugs and hope you have lots of time for relaxation and healing over the holidays.

  4. Pam -- Please accept my condolences on the passing of your sister. I just lost mine in July and have been having a difficult time accepting it. We would talk everyday or every other day and she was my best friend. I will keep you in my prayers. Eileen from Illinois

  5. Sorry to hear about your sister, Pam. :(

    Everyone's quilts are lovely. I enjoyed seeing all the variations on Pam's theme.

  6. Beautiful quilts! Isn't it amazing how many looks can come from one pattern? Merry Christmas to you.

  7. Some really fun ideas here. I am inspired by many of them. I may even get my version finished. : )

  8. So Pretty! It is amazing that each one looks so different just by using different fabrics.

  9. Merry Christmas to you and yours and thanks for the Tucker sal. It was a lot of fun.

  10. Lots of eye candy - I enjoyed seeing each version of Tucker!

  11. Thank you for sharing more of the Tucker quilts! Merry Christmas!!

  12. Amazing looking at all the variations and colours thinking they all started with the same design. Great sewing everyone!

  13. Pam, thanks so much for the fun sew along! It's awesome to see all the different versions. Blessing to you and your family this holiday season.

  14. Some great interpretations of your 'Tucker' quilt Pam. I enjoyed seeing what others have done. I didn' have the time to take part in the sew along but I do intend making the quilt up after Christmas. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Thank you Pam. So fun to see everyone's little Tuckers ! Sending you an extra Christmas hug for the loss of your sister. Janita

  16. Pam, I am so sorry to hear that about the loss of your sister. Sisters are so special. My prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family.
    The Tucker show and all the variations of design and fabric were fun to see.
    Wishing you and your family many blessings in 2016 as well as a Merry Christmas.


  17. I just love that sock monkey in the sleigh! So much talent and so many creative ideas shared--thank you!
    --Gina in Missouri
