Friday, December 4, 2015

Scrap Give-away & Other Stuff

To say I was overwhelmed....blown away.....rendered speechless over your comments for the Scraps Give-away....well.....that would  be an understatement!!  Over 500 comments came in for a chance to win one of three boxes of scraps, and I read each and every comment, with each one feeling like a little gift to me.  
When I write my blog posts, I try not to think about how many people there  really are out there reading it lest I have stage fright, but I do wonder from time to time.  When I receive comments like this, it really makes it all worth it for me.  So, a big THANK YOU to everyone who takes the time out of their busy day to read my blog!  And a special thank you for those who have left me comments over the years.  I appreciate it more than you know!
 Now, for the important stuff....the winners!

Chosen completely at random, they are......

Quiltndollmaker - who said:

Wow, I read every comment so Inspiring! What a wonderful craft and love for giving we quilters have. I recently made your tiny little Tucker's so cute hanging in my powder room. My favorite size is every quilt I make. Thanks for sharing your precious scraps... Pick me!!! Pick me!!! I will treasure every piece!

Heartsdesire - who said:

I would love to give your wonderful scraps a new home. I usually make doll quilts, and scraps are perfect. Lap quilts, as well, can use up a lot of scraps. With smaller quilts, I am able to get them finished. And sometimes, the doll quilts even get hand quilted.

OhioLori - who said:

I like making Lap size quilts...and do make doll-size now & then (Grangirlie your know... giggle) I would LOOOOVE to win your scraps box! Promise to share with my 2 Quilty Daughter's & my (Learning to sew) Grangirlie! :D Thanks for the chance!

Congratulations to all three winners!!  Please email you mailing address to me at  

As I read each comment, I sincerely wished I had 500 boxes of scraps so everyone could win!  Please know that I am generating scraps all the time, and am delighted to do this again, so watch for more scrap give-aways in the near future!

Tucker Reminder!!
For anyone wanting to participate in the Airing of the Quilts for the Tucker Sew-Along, please remember to send me a jpg photo of your quilt (quilt tops are perfectly OK!) by December 15th!  I'm receiving photos every week from quilters around the world, and they are really cute!  Many showing just where the quilt is 'tucked in' around the house, so you're sure to be inspired.  I know I am!

Packing My Suitcases
Very soon, I'll be hitting the road for a very busy and exciting travel year.  I will post my entire 2016 schedule very soon, but for now, I wanted you to know where I'll be in January and February.  I bring nearly all of my quilts, and lots of patterns and fabric.  Most of all, I'd sure love to meet you!

January 11th          Friendship Quilters of San Diego, CA      
lecture and workshop ~ for info contact Collette by email:

January 12th & 13th       Sunshine Quilters of San Diego, CA
lecture and workshop ~ for info contact

January 15th, 16th & 17th     Fat Quarters Quilt Shop in Vista, CA
workshops ~ contact the shop girls at (760) 758-8308

February 4th & 5th     Country Road Quilt Guild, Ocala, FL
lecture & workshop ~ for info contact Karen by email:

Hope you and I find some time for a little soul stitching as we deck our halls and Christmas shop!  Enjoy your weekend!!  



  1. Thanks for the fun opportunity. You are an inspiration. Sue

  2. Congratulations to the winners! I think we're all winners, with so many blog friends who enjoy quilting, embroidery and such. It's opened a new world to me, so friendly and kind. Thanks for letting us all be a part of yours. ;-> Toni Anne

  3. funny how traveling quilters don't come north in winter...LOL...enjoy the warmth!

  4. Congratulations to all the winners!!

  5. Congratulations to the winners :-)

  6. Congrats to the winners. I'm sure they will enjoy the scraps. Nice idea.

  7. Congratulations to the lucky winners!

  8. Pam, did you receive the JPG I sent you? Just checking since I haven't heard back from you (although I know you're busy) and I don't want to miss the deadline for the Tucker airing. :)
