Monday, February 29, 2016

Good Things Come From Small Pieces

I've been doing a lot of secret sewing this past week.  Lots and lots and lots of half square triangles to make.  Work on my new Block of the Month is progressing, and I will be piecing the blocks very soon.  It won't be long now until I can share all the goodness with you, and believe me, I can hardly wait.

In the meantime, I'm also juggling the construction of several other new quilts.  Do you do the same between several projects?

I'm also hand sewing a couple of the wool projects I brought home with me from the cruise, and hope to share those as well.  Nothing like relaxing with my family and hand sewing in the evening.  Good livin'!!

Tomorrow, I'm packing the car up to drive to the Indianapolis area for a big quilt festival, called the Indiana Heritage Quilt Show in Bloomington, IN.  In addition to the quilt show, there's a vendor mall, and many workshop classes to take from national teachers.  My dear pal, Lynne Hagmeier (Kansas Troubles Quilters) will be there, too.  Click here to see the faculty roster and class list.

If you're anywhere in the area, the show is most definitely worth checking out.  The event takes place March 3, 4 & 5th.  Hope to see you there!


  1. Yes we quilters, rug hookers, stitchers seem to have many projects going at one time. Enjoy the show--looks like it is going to be a great one

  2. My Mom only ever worked on one project at a time. I did not inherit that gene and she thinks I am crazy to start a project when I have others unfinished. She NEVER did that! I'm not sure if we are truly mother and daughter. *LOL*

  3. I always have 4 or 5 different projects going at the same time. Don't want to get bored, don'tcha know.

    Can't wait to see what you are doing with all those itty bitty hst.

  4. "Do you do the same between several projects?"

    *reads question* *dies laughing*

    Oh, honey. Not only do I have several quilts going at once, but I also do 5 other types of needlework and have multiple projects for most of them. I have 3 stacks of storage boxes as tall as I am filled with needlework projects.

    I recently read that it's perfectly normal for creative people to have multiple projects going at once because our creative minds need constant stimulus or we get bored and/or frustrated.

  5. I have so many projects going at the same time I've lost track of them! :-) Wish I could go to the show in Indiana, but the Lebanon Quilt Show at the Warren County Fairgrounds in historic Lebanon, Ohio, is practically in my backyard, and the same weekend.

  6. Always room for backgrounds!

  7. Any thing smaller than a fat eighth gets subcut into squares--5", 3.5", 2.5", etc. I store them in Fiestaware boxes or empty Costco calzone containers.

  8. There is no scrap too small for me to save. I calculate that even the littlest ones cost ten to twelve dollars a yard!. I have my bins of strips, hand cut five inch charms, ten inch squares and a huge tote of tinier pieces I just aw thru when looking for applique pieces!

  9. Hi Pam, I cut my left over fabrics as I work on a project, still have lots of bags of scraps to be managed though!! The smallest that I cut is 1 1/2 inches. I organize them by size right now.....its growing so fast I'm thinking of starting to organize them by size and color.
