Thursday, June 2, 2011

Where Does the Time Go?

I though for sure that after Quilt Market my life would slow down a bit!  I just really thought it would!  It hasn't.  I know I'm not alone.  It seems everyone is super busy every day.  For all of our modern conveniences that are supposed to save time, I think they make room for more tasks.  Thank goodness we don't have to beat our clothes on rocks anymore or haul water from a well and heat it to wash our dishes and take a bath, but I'd love the feeling of being caught up or something close to that.  As an avid reader of nineteenth century history, those ladies didn't have a spare minute either AND they washed their clothes on rocks!  I'll bet they didn't complain about it on their blogs!  So....I'd better stop going on about this 'cause now I sound like I'm whining and I know you didn't visit me for that.  The point is....time got away from me and I didn't blog as often as I've wanted to.  {picture my sad face here}

Just what have I been up to?  Well....orders are coming in after market, which is a good thing, and I had out-of-town company over Memorial Day....also a good thing!  There's the usual laundry, cooking, gardening, etc, but what has been keeping me most occupied is working on my new website.  I want it to be finished in the worst way....for many reasons.  As with all new things, especially those in technology, there's the inevitable learning curve.  I am figuring out how to manage the new website and more to the point, the folks who created it for me kinda made it dummy proof, but it still takes so much time learning new stuff!!!!  I figure that while I'm concentrating and thinking so hard that I have to be warding off Altzheimers for sure!  I'm hoping that it will be finished within the next week.  I can't wait to show it to you!

In the meantime....I want to do something I haven't done in awhile and that is to give some fabric away! 

An extra fat quarter pack of Jo Morton's Toasty fabric came home with me at quilt market!  Would you like it?

To enter the give-away, leave a comment about your busy life (or relaxed one) before midnight on Sunday, June 5th. new website will be up and running.  Cross your fingers!


  1. Hi Pam! I am with you on the busy life. You would think now that I am home full time that I would have so much extra time on my hands. Not so! I don't know where the day goes. I did take a few minutes yesterday and went outside and picked some fresh strawberries - YUM!

  2. I am fortunate to be traveling this summer..a wedding in CO, time in Yellowstone, ending with two bucket list items--Aurora Colony and the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show in Oregon.

  3. Hi Pam.. I just love Jo Morton's fabrics... I have used many of her fabrics in some projects... Is that bundle a new fabric line of hers? If so what is the name of the line? I would love to find some because I want to do a beige and blue quilt... Hugs :)

  4. Hello, I wasn't so busy today. It's a bank holiday, here in France. I enjoyed a barbecue with family. Tomorrow ... busy day, but tomorrow is another day.
    Beatrice (from France - Europe).

  5. I have my spring cleaning done now and I have been trying to plant my flowers this week but so far it's soooo windy that I think the flowers are better off in trays on the ground rather than in hanging baskets. When I'm done with that I will be ready to take on a new quilt project for the summer. Jo Morton fabrics are my favorite and I don't have toasty yet. What a nice treat that would be!

  6. I've been drooling over your market photo's for days now and your visit to Woolen Needle, I can't stop looking at them. There is never enough time for all the projects spilling out of my head. And that doesn't include gardening and home chores. I'm so grateful we don't have to wash clothes on rocks and we can use that time to blog :-)

  7. I am retired and have more time now for fun than I have ever had....lucky me, I know! It seems to take me longer to accomplish things though AND reading - blogs and books - seems to occupy more time than ever! I love Jo Morton fabric; I would love to win Toasty!

  8. Time certainly slips by....Every day I try to get some work done on one of my list of quilt projects, but every day it seems I have less and less time to quilt. The garden calls, although mine is small - we've had tons of rain this spring, so the weeds are taking over. My son is trying to finish his internship so he can move to another city, and into an apartment with his fiancee, so there are boxes stacked all over my house, as he finds his belongings that have migrated everywhere during the last few years. I try to make time for the "community quilts" program with my guild. I was presented with 5 baby quilt tops and backing/binding fabric that need to be finished ASAP. I try to complete items on my list, but it just seems to get longer!
    The Jo Morton fabrics look wonderful, and would make a good addition to my stash!

  9. Wouldn't I just love to win that bundle!

    Thanks, Pam!

  10. I have been complaining a lot lately about how busy I am, no time to sew and things I use to enjoy seem like work. I use to get so much more done when the children were little and home with me. Now, everyone is in school and I get nothing done. It is so true that the older your children get the more time they require from you. I know I am not alone.
    I would love to win the Jo Morton fabrics, thanks for the chance.

  11. Busy is right! (so why am I blog surfing - LOL) Getting ready to go to a family wedding this weekend them my mom is coming back here with us. This will be the first time she has been since we moved in Jan., so trying to make things just right, you know. She is here for a week then we take her home on our way to a week-long business trip/anniversary trip. Back home for a week then off for a few days at beach with Hubby's family. Tell me again why I'm blog surfing! To have a chance to be inspired and win quilty goodness, of course. A girls gotta have her priorities in order. LOL

  12. I am retired but it seems like there is never enough time in a day trying to sew, garden and travel. I have seen this fabric line on the internet and I would love a chance to win it .

  13. I can't wait to see your nw web site!! And that "Toasty" fabric would be perfect for the new CWSC project!!! Karen Schultz

  14. Thanks for the giveaway Pam!!! I have an easy peasie job and lots of vacation time coming! At the end of the month I will have 2 weeks off and not a thing planned to do (except sewing of course) and at the end of July I have another week of vacation, but this time going to a quilting retreat! In between... lots of hanging out with my family at the lake!

  15. Pam - BUSY is my middle name... A single mother of four, working full-time, going to school full-time, enjoying your monthly Prairie Women's Group..... I don't have any extra hours in the day!! I enjoy your class and your blog. PS - don't be so hard on yourself - look at all the ladies lives you are touching with your sewing circles!!! Kudos to you =) Heather BUSY Potts

  16. Yep, my life is busy. I have so much to do in a limited amount of time. This project only happens every few years, but wow!, when it does, it doesn't leave my time for anything fun. When I'm finished, which should be next week, I'm going to play in my garden and then get out my fabrics and play some more!!!

    I'm really looking forward to seeing your new site.

  17. I am plenty busy getting the garden going and gearing up for canning/freezing season as I squirrel away summer's best things. I always can find a little time for new FQ's though! What could be better to tuck away for a cozy winter play day than Toasty?? :D

  18. With all the rain that has fallen I have been trying to get rid of the weeds. In between weeding I am having fun making "Remember Me". I hope to get the top pieced before the next PWSC meeting. I love Jo Morton's fabrics so I would love the Toasty bundle. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Spare time...who has that and where did they find it?! Your right, we tend to think if we get one or two things out of the way we will have a little spare time.....oh no!! That time is quickly filled two fold!! If anything find a quiet moment in the morning and enjoy coffee outside first thing in the morning. I find its a great way to start the day, no matter how hectic :)

  20. I too, have many weeds to rid of after all the rain here in the Northeast.
    I just love Jo's Toasty and would love to be the lucky winner of that bundle to use with my Civil War fabs. Thank you for the giveaway.

  21. I love the bundle!

    Busy, Hummmmmmmmmm---- yes but its better than I wouldn't have it any other way and winning that neat bundle of toast would be a delight! Thanks for the offer.

    Carolyn :)

  22. Best wishes on your website launch.
    I love being busy and I think when I'm not I think things up...Type A, thrives in pressure...
    Love all Jo fabrics and offer a new home for them!

  23. Busy! Timesheets due at work, behind on house chores, and of course, the ever pressing question: What do I want to be when I grow up?! Great fabric, I haven't worked with Jo Morton fabrics yet, but I would love to!

    quilty jen at gmail dot com

  24. I am certainly not critizing you, so please don't take the next statements as negative. I decided about a year ago to treat the word busy, like a lot of other four lettered words. I refuse to use it! We all find people, things, hobbies, and work to occupy our time. Some things are necessary, others, not so much. May we all treat each day as special and do some thing that makes our heart sing!

  25. Can't wait for your new website! Even though we are now retired, I find we are busier than ever - gardening, volunteering, quilting and enjoying life in a brand new way!

  26. Yes, time no longer flies by for just plain evaporates! I am less busy than I could be, though, because my quilting partner in crime is away for much of the summer. (See Maureen's comment!) Looking forward to your new website! =)


  27. Hi Pam,
    I am currently unemployed so I have all the time in the world to do whatever my heart desires. Truly, I am loving not working and am trying to figure out a way I can stay home forever! I am busy catching up on all kinds of quilting projects, did some planting over the holiday weekend, and just plain relaxed. Lovin it!!!

  28. I have been sewing this week, trying to complete my Prairie Huswyfe for Saturday's Prairie Women's Club meeting. I would like to at least have a completed top to share with the group. I would get it done a lot quicker if I didn't have to do any cooking, laundry, etc. Love Jo's Toasty fabric.


  29. Hey Pam,

    I'm retired and still busy. Quilting and Pickleball are my favorites things to do. Love your quilts and projects from your blog. I just ordered some Toasty, but not the whole collection. What a nice give-away! DJ

  30. Busy life??? Yes, very busy in north Texas. I am very blessed to have my granddaughters this summer. Right now they are playing with Grandma's quilts - making up stories about camping in the woods! Love those little imaginations ;) Thank you for a wonderful give-away. You are so generous :)
    Karen W.

  31. I have been working on my sewing closet. Why is it that in order to make things neat, you have to make them more of a mess first.! Then trying to find room to put college things from 2 kids home for the summer. So we are busy here too. Love Jo MOrton.I just used some of her patriotic pieces in a quilt for a friend.

  32. I talk about this issue a lot with friends who also have the household, kids and a job that keeps them busy. Hoping to hear some tips from them how they manage to find some spare-time :0)
    I usually find some time in the evenings to sit & quilt, if I do some prep work for it during the day! Thanks for the give away Pam!

  33. Hi Pam,

    You haven't seen me for a while cuz we've been super duper busy with a few remodels in our home. Painting three rooms, knocking out cabinets, refinishing the rest of the cabinets, putting up beadboard, etc. All with help, of course. Still, it seems to be taking forever and feels like it's killing us - muscles and budget!

    Congrats on your new website, can't wait to see it! :-) I've seen Jo's "Toast" and I'd sure LOVE to have some!! Thanks!

    Hugs, Karla

  34. I totally agree with you on a busy life. I work full time and have 2 teenagers involved in sports and music. But I still manage to find time to check my favorite blogs on line!
    Annette K.

  35. Greetings from Africa,Pam. Until a month ago, my idea of busy was teaching art to grades 2,10 and 11 and doing library work at a high school. I've changed the word 'retired' to 'redeployed quilter' and 'busy' has taken on a whole new meaning as my was Your Jo Morton fabric would be a brilliant first project to make on my farewell gift from St Anne's College - a 1948 Featherweight machine. Good wishes on your new website. Penny le R

  36. Love you're bloh, hope you don't mind I put it under my favorites !!

  37. between sharing a car with the child home from college I am "forced" to stay home a few days a week so for me life is slowing down a bit! Means more time in the sewing room, guess its a win win situation!
    Good luck on your new website, loved seeing pictures of your booth!
    would love to win Jo Mortons new fabric, ah yes would have to whip up a little quilt or two with it, love her fabrics. these would make great background fabrics for some applique ;)

  38. btw check out my two latest blog posts about making one of your little quilts in the prairie women's sewing circle club.

  39. Great giveaway! Please count me in!I'm lucky that I can do what I like and everything I do is very relaxing.

  40. Oh, my--I would love to own those fabrics! I've just started a Farmer's Wife Sampler quilt in reproduction fabrics, and these would REALLY boost me along. This may be a 10-year project though, since I work fulltime. Please, please, send them my way! Ruth (

  41. We've had a number of trials over the last few weeks. An electrical problem that required an electricians's help; a bad computer virus which shut down my computer and required a 3-hour phone call with tech support in India; the Check Engine light went on in my daughter's car, so it was repaired, then it happened again....turned out to be a defective part; on Saturday we left in my husband's pickup truck pulling a trailer to move (same) daughter out of state, went through the very first toll booth, and the Check Engine light went on in the truck, and we lost power to the throttle. On top of that, I'm supposed to be studying for some classes I'm taking, and preparing for graduation parties, and I'm getting tired just re-reading this comment. I just hope things slow down a little bit!!
