Saturday, March 22, 2014

Lucky Stars Antique Quilt In AP&Q magazine!!!

Every now and then, while on my regular antiquing adventures, I come across a sweet treasure.   Last year, I found this beauty.  Isn't it spectacular?  (I can say that because I didn't design or make it!)  It was too good to keep to myself, so I called my friends and American Patchwork & Quilting magazine to ask if they were interested in having the quilt in the magazine, and they loved it too!!

Used with permission from American Patchwork & Quilting magazine.
Copyright 2014 Meredith Corp.  All rights reserved.
The quilt is called Lucky Stars and it's a beauty.  Made just after the turn of the twentieth century (it's signed and dated!), it is loaded with a wide variety of shirtings, and tiny blue, red, black and pink calico prints.

Used with permission from American Patchwork & Quilting magazine.
Copyright 2014 Meredith Corp.  All rights reserved.
Does this look hard to you?  Intimidated by the many small pieces?  Well don't be!  The blocks and the border are made from just one pieced unit!  It's a simple unit to make, just a humbling amount of them.  

Like so many worthwhile quilts, they are not meant to be knocked out in a day, or week, or even a month.  Better to tackle them over a longer span of time and take your time with them.  Enjoy the piecing journey!  A little here, a little there, and before you know it, you've made this spectacular quilt!!!

Used with permission from American Patchwork & Quilting magazine.
Copyright 2014 Meredith Corp.  All rights reserved.
Lucky Stars will be in the June, 2014 issue of American Patchwork & Quilting magazine which will be arriving in your mailbox and the newsstand any day now.   Click here to see my project, and all of the featured projects from this issue.  

Oh, and just to let you know....I take my own advise....about enjoying the piecing journey and taking my time making a great quilt.  Look for my new, original quilt design in a future issue of American Patchwork & Quilting, so stay tuned!

If you've been thinking about purchasing the fabric kit for my upcoming Market Day sew-along, you have just a little more time to order yours.  I have a limited supply and they're almost all sold out.  I'm just waiting for the fabric to arrive so we can cut the kits and get them in the mail.  Once that's all done, we can begin the fun.  Personally....I can hardly wait!


  1. Wow, I love the Lucky Stars design. Thanks for sharing.

  2. How exciting - something to look forward to, for sure. It's a beauty!

  3. What a gorgeous quilt! When you break it down, it isn't a difficult quilt, but I loved your phrase, "just a humbling amount of them." So true--and I often let that scare me away from a project. I need to take your advice about enjoying the journey.
    Looking forward to seeing your new project--and the start of Market Day!

  4. That is one beautiful quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  5. This is gorgeous Pam, It still looks so fresh! I'm looking forward to Market Day starting :-)

  6. What a fabulous quilt! I can't wait for my magazine to arrive! Looking forward to your next original as well!

  7. I ordered my kit shortly after the posting about the new sew-along went up. I hope that it went through all right. I'm looking forward to participating.
