Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Winners and More News About Market Day

There are just no proper words of thanks to all of you whom commented about what quilting means to you in celebration of National Quilting Day.  Each comment was more touching than the next, and I share so many of your thoughts and feelings about our passion ~ quilting.  As I read each comment, my heart and soul were filling over with a greater sense of community, friendship, and gratitude for being a small part of our shared experience.  We are kindred spirits, to be sure!

If ever you're feeling a bit lonely in your quilting day/life, I encourage you to read the comments from this post.  You are so not alone!   You will find yourself in the words you read, and get ideas and motivation to join a guild or bee, for there, you will surely find a friend.  Please take a little time to read a few of these comments....it will do your soul a world of good!

Thank you all for your comments, from the bottom of my heart!

Now, for the winners of my contest!  I wish I had a gift for all of you.  I do, however, have goodies to give 7 lucky readers!!

Winner of a big box of scraps is.......QuiltHappy who commented:

Quilting has touched my life in sew many ways, but one of the biggest ways has got to be how it has connected me with so many wonderful people all over the world. I have many treasured friends that I would otherwise never have met. Quilting gives me purpose and direction and a constant variety of challenges and new skill sets. Quilting for my family, friends and others has been a blessing, an ongoing learning experience and allows me a creative outlet. 

Winner of the second big box of scraps is.......Heartsdesire who commented:
Quilting has always been a wonderful creative outlet for me, and I love the fact that so many quilters now have blogs that inspire me to try new things. 

Winner of a big bag of scraps is.....AuntieEm who commented:
As a kid, I was never any good in art class and I thought I was just not cut out to be artistic. When I discovered quilting, I knew I had found my creative outlet. Every time I go into a quilt store I'm like a kid opening a new box of crayons. In addition, there's a whole community of quilters that I have come to know through our shared love of the craft. I know that quilting will always be a big part of my life.

Winner of a second big bag of scraps is......Wendy who commented:
Quilting has brought so much joy to my life. The friends I've met through quilting has been huge. Not to mention the stress relieve it gave me through the difficult times in my life and being in a demanding job. I always took 15 mins a day to sew when I was working and that's all the time I had. It's surprising how much can be accomplished with a small goal. I can't imagine life without quilting! 

Winner of a pair of Perfect Scissors is.......Stitches who commented:
Quilting has become a driving force in my life, especially after my husband passed away..sometimes I would sew until 2 or 2:30 in the morning. And then fall in bed exhausted..Quilting filled many long days for me..Both of my grandmother's were quilters so I am hoping that I inherited my love for it from them, I just wish now that I had asked them many questions about the craft...It is very fulfilling to see a beautiful quilt that you have finished laying on the bed.

Winner of two Heartspun Quilts patterns of her choice is.......Julie K from KS who commented:
Quilting is something I share with my 83 year old mother, my sister and my daughter. We encourage one another with and through our projects. We inspire one another. And we share our triumphs and mistakes. Quilting has given the four of us a common interest that binds us closer together. I can't imagine my life without quilting. Thank you for the opportunity. And thank you for all of the inspiration you give.

Winner of two Heartspun Quilts patterns of her choice is....Martha who commented:
 When moving to not only a new community but also a new state, it brought me new friends. It drew me out of my shell and let my creative juices flow. It also drains my pocketbook! Ha Ha!!

Congratulations to the winners, please email me your address so I can get your prizes out to you. 

Do you remember reading my blog post about perfection?  Um....well...I hope you believe in giving us less-than-perfect people a break because.....I omitted four squares from the Market Day yardage list in a previous post.  So, so very sorry about that!

Below, you'll fine the updated Yardage Requirements for Market Day.  This one should be "perfect" as I've made my quilt and tested everything, which is how I found the error to begin with.  This pertains only to those of you who are pulling fabrics from your own stash.  For those ordering the kit, no worries, I've already taken care of everything.  The revised yardage pieces are listed in red:

Revised Yardage Requirements for my Market Day Sew~Along quilt:

5" square of light print #1 (a light/medium like my berries & vines print work well)
5" x 20" of light print #2 
Fat eighth of light print #3
Fat quarter of light print #4 (make this light a bit darker than light print #2 and #3)
5" square of gold print #1
1/6 yard of gold print #2
10" square of blue print #1
14" x 22" of blue print #2
5" x 11" of red print #1
Fat eighth EACH of red prints #2, #3, #4 and #5
1/2 yard red floral
1/3 yard binding
1 yard backing

Again....I'm acutely aware of how valuable your time is to you, and I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience!!    


  1. Somehow I missed that last post, but congrats to all the lucky winners!

  2. Oh my Gosh! I do feel like a very lucky reader! Thanks so very much, Pam!
    It really was very interesting to read the comments on your post. Just makes me feel that much more happy to be a quilter.

  3. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for hosting. I am going scrappy with the 'Market' so it is not a problem in the wee change - just looking forward to a new project.

  4. Congratulations to all the winners! 7 winners WOW! Looking forward to "Market Day" - but a tad worried about 3" blocks? :O
    xo jan

  5. Beautiful! Congrats to the lucky 7! :-)

  6. I missed your give away, but love reading all the lovely comments.
    Congrats to the winners!

  7. No worries! This is going to be fun... hopefully for you as well! ha!

  8. Congrats to all the winners, these were some very nice gifts!! Thanks for the update to the yardages Pam, I am waiting patiently!! Karen S.

  9. Congrats to all the winners and thanks you for the fun!!
