Friday, May 30, 2014

Market Day Sew~along / Part Six

We meet once again for another installment of.....As The Sew~Along Turns.  

OK...I deserve an eye-roll over that.  I won't quit my day job.  Here's the next bunch of blocks.

Remember, the cutting instructions for the smaller size blocks will be listed in red.

Cutting Instructions
From light print #2:
    *Cut (2) 3 7/8" ( 2 3/8") squares. 

From blue print #2:
    *Cut (2) 3 7/8" ( 2 3/8") squares. 

Make Half Square Triangles in the same manner as before by drawing a diagonal line on the wrong side of the (2) light print #2 squares.  Pair with a blue square and sew 1/4" on each side of the drawn line.  Cut apart and press to the blue triangle.

Make (4) Half Square Triangles measuring 3 1/2" (2") unfinished.

That wasn't too bad, now was it?  We're making progress.....hope you're having fun!

I have loads and loads of hints, tips and tricks about everything from fabric preparation, to accurate 1/4 inch seams, to making perfect Half Square Triangles, Quarter Square Triangles, Flying Geese, pressing tips, quilt labels and tons more....all packed into my........

All good basic stuff about the things we do everyday in our piecing adventure.  Click here to read more about it!

On another note, I feel like I'm "missing in action" regarding blogging lately.  I have been working long, long hours 7 days a week on the biggest project of my career thus far.  I have a deadline I must make and it's approaching fast.  Believe me, I want to share my quilt market pictures, and the news about this big project with you, and I soon as I find an hour to spare.  I haven't forgotten about all of you and hope you'll hang in there with me just a little longer.  

Once I can sit down and start sharing, you may not be able to shut me up!!  Until then, I hope you enjoy the weekend and the sew-along blocks.  

P.S.  I am giving sneak peeks of the new project and fabrics on Facebook and Instagram!!


  1. Good morning Pam, Thanks for the next step. I hope you are taking time from your crazy busy life to enjoy this lovely weather we have been having lately. I saw the sneak peak. Fun!!

  2. Whew! Glad to see this step's so simple: it'll give me a chance to catch up with the last step! :)

  3. Thank you for this sweet sew along!

  4. I keep thinking I will catch up on the SAL, but in truth, I keep falling farther behind!
    Now you have me really curious about your "big project", but I will have to be patient, as I am not on Facebook or Instagram. I know, can you believe there is still someone around that is that archaic? : )

  5. Curious minds want to know....! Waiting patiently (?) for the BIG project reveal!!! what is the saying? "Good things come to those who wait" (or something like that). Enjoying the sew~along! Thank you for taking the time to let us play. Also love the fabrics you designed for this sew~along. HUGS... and stitches

  6. I'm all caught up! :)
