Friday, June 6, 2014

Market Day Sew~Along / Part Seven

I'm about to add a different block into our repertoire.  One of my favorites....a Pinwheel.
It always gives such a happy feeling to a quilt, not to mention some fun motion!

Remember, the cutting instructions for the smaller size blocks will be listed in red.

Cutting Instructions
From light print #4:
    *Cut (8) 2 3/8" ( 1 5/8") squares. 

From red print #4:
    *Cut (4) 2 3/8" ( 1 5/8") squares. 

From red print #5:
    *Cut (4) 2 3/8" ( 1 5/8") squares. 

Make Half Square Triangles in the same manner as previously described by drawing a diagonal line on the wrong side of all (8) light print #4 squares.  Match each with a red square and sew 1/4" on both sides of the drawn line.  Cut apart and press to the red print.  Make (16) Half Square Triangles measuring  2" (1 1/4") unfinished.

Arrange them into Pinwheel formations. 

Sew the rows together.....make sure to press for opposing seams.  Next, sew the two Pinwheel rows together to complete the Pinwheel block.  Snuggle those opposing seams and pin, pin, pin!  

Press your Pinwheels......

....then "Four Patch" press them to reduce the bulk!!  Very, very helpful and really aids with accuracy, too!!  

Make (4) blocks measuring 3 1/2" (2") unfinished.

Don't know how to do the "Four Patch Press"?  That technique and tons more good piecing hints (and sooo much more) are all found in my Heartspun Quilts Book of Hints, Tip, and Secrets!!  
Great job, everyone!!  More blocks coming next Friday.  


  1. I am totally intrigued,Pam - such a mysterious mystery!! I caught up today so now I can get onto the pinwheels!

  2. Hooray for pinwheels!
    I hang my head in shame that I still haven't started. Every Friday I have good intentions to start with the newest post and then catch up, and every Friday real life interrupts and I have yet to begin. Probably not today, either. But I am saving all of the instructions! : )

  3. Wow, learned something else new. My pinwheels turned out OK, for a beginner. Looking forward to the next step and finishing this quilt. 'Got mine posted to the Flickr group :)

  4. So glad your mystery quilts are so easy to squeeze into a busy week. Four pinwheels? Yep, I can do that!

  5. I've just blogged about my pinwheels. :)
