Thursday, May 28, 2015

Finally Back From Spring Market

Heartspun Quilts Spring Market booth

I've miss all of you!!  Don't think for a minute I haven't been plagued with guilt everyday for not getting to blog sooner.  Hesitant to sound like a broken record, I really have been crazy busy since I've returned home.  It was like that for weeks before market, and if market was successful, it's like that afterward as well.  

This is what my booth looked like for Spring Market.  It's the first time I've ever had a single booth, and I thought it looked pretty good.  I had a great neighbor in Paula Barnes (Red Crinoline Quilts) and we did a lot of laughing when we had slow periods, and after the show was over in the evenings.  So fun!  (I have photos of her new quilts I'll be ready to swoon!)

Paula and I were there minus a partner for Paula (not allowed anymore, Mary Ellen!) and helping friends for me, so I didn't have very much time to wander the show to say hi and visit with many people, so this time, I'm afraid I don't have many pictures to share beyond those people who were in my aisle.

Treenware & Berries quilt on wall.  On the table, a quilt from Tokens: Nine Patch Reverie

Tokens of the Past: Spice Box
This was the first time Treenware & Berries went to the Big Show.  Could not have been happier over the response I received!!

Tokens of the Past: Nine Patch Reverie 
The Tokens of the Past: Nine Patch Reverie quilts were hot sellers for me!  I was over the moon happy about that.  You never know.  Quilters and shop owners alike loved that you can make the quilts in a number of different ways and sizes.  I am very grateful for the positive response.
Tokens of the Past: Gathering In Red
In my next post, I'll show other designers booths and their beautiful work.  Off to make dinner...but I'll be back soon.  I promise it won't take me so long to write the next post!!


  1. LOVE the booth, Pam! Would have sucked me in immediately! The little quilts especially sing to me.
    I really need to order the Spice Box pattern!
    You weren't allowed to have a helper? That could be awkward.
    Welcome home and congrats on your success!

  2. Your booth looks gorgeous! So pleased to hear that Market was a success for you :-)

  3. Your booth looked great. I am glad it was successful for you. I love your designs and your fabrics.

  4. Your booth looked anazing Pam, so inspirational. I love your nine patch quilts.

  5. Such a lovely welcoming homely booth.

  6. Your booth looked wonderful, as always! Was great to see you!
