Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Prairie Gathering Quilt of the Quarter ~ Month Five

 Welcome to Month Five of A Prairie Gathering Quilt of the Quarter program!!  
You're gonna think that this month, you're in the movie Ground Hog Day, because this month's piecing is nearly the same as last months.  You're making more lovely Flying Geese....
...more red/red Two Patches for the Checkerboard Border.....

More Two Patches.....
...and more Shoo Fly blocks.  The only thing you're not making this month are the four Flying Geese border cornerposts.  

Click here to see all of my hints from last month's post.  Hang in there with me!!  Come border assembly time, you'll be so happy you took your time and prepared all this piecing.  It's soooo worth it!

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