Monday, May 11, 2015

Introducing Tokens of the Past: Nine Patch Reverie!!

I love when something I've been working on is finally ready for the big reveal!!  I'm so, so pleased to announce the introduction of my newest Tokens of the Past pattern, called Nine Patch Reverie!!  I'm lovin' me a Nine Patch block, and I've been thinking about this pattern for awhile.  

While I love a simple, traditional Nine Patch quilt, there's a lot of plain, classic patterns out there, and you certainly don't need another.  I set out to design three quilts, all using Nine Patch blocks, all different from one another, and different from what's already been done.  I hope you like them!!

One important thing you need to know is there are larger, alternate sizes for each quilt included in the pattern.  

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you know I love tiny, little blocks. Aborable little blocks. Downright irresistible little me, that is.  No so for everyone, and I totally get that, so I did the math to include at least one larger size quilt for each of the three in this pattern.  Read on....  

Four Around Nine in the Tokens: Nine Patch Reverie pattern by Pam Buda ~ Heartspun Quilts
First up is Four Around Nine.  Simple Nines surrounded by simple Four Patches.  The Nine Patches are front and center, framed by a lovely red print border.  

The size of the finished block in this, the smallest one, is 4 inches, with the quilt measuring 22" x 26".  The larger, alternate size has a finished block of 6 inches, with the quilt measuring 34" x 40".

Starry, Starry Nines in the Tokens of the Past: Nine Patch Reverie pattern
by Pam Buda ~ Heartspun Quilts
Second is Starry, Starry Nines.  I am madly in love with this quilt.  Double Nine patch blocks create this fun center "grid" where Sawtooth Stars with more Nine Patches float, surrounded by a fun to piece sawtooth border.  Scrappy, too!!  Love, love.

The size of the finished block in this one is 4 1/2 (which means those Nine Patches are 1 1/2), with the quilt measuring 23" x 29".  Now, because of that Sawtooth border....the math just didn't work for any other size except to double the size of the blocks, which of course doubled the size of the quilt.  So, the next largest size has blocks finishing to 9 inches, with the quilt measuring 51" x 64".  A yummy lap/throw size.  

Starry, Starry Nines
Here you can see them both together.  Isn't it fun to see?!!  They were a whole lotta fun to piece.

Nines In Blue from the Tokens of the Past: Nine Patch Reverie pattern
by Pam Buda ~ Heartspun Quilts
Lastly, I give you Nines In Blue.  This collection of different Nine Patches play with the light and blue fabric to make this cutie pahtooty little quilt!  I had some fun with alternates for this quilt, and I'll show you what I mean in a moment.

The size of the finished block, for this the smallest quilt, is 1 1/2 inches, with the quilt measuring 18" x 20".  Soooo little, and sooo cute!

Here's a photo of just what I mean about playing with this design.  The quilt at the right is the same Nines In Blue quilt, double the size, and with the light fabric replacing the blue background, and I changed the squares to all scrappy darks.  Kinda fun...what do you think??  

The quilt to the right is the next larger size, with finished blocks measuring 3 inches, and the quilt measuring 34 1/2" x 39".  There is yet another, largest size for Nines In Blue with a block size of 4 1/2, with the quilt measuring 23" x 29".  

They're all versatile, fun, and easy.  All have our favorite Nine Patch block.  I hope they pique your interest!  Click here to order the Tokens of the Past: Nine Patch Reverie pattern today!

I'm off to quilt market in Minneapolis for the week.  
If you order a pattern, it will ship while I'm gone.  

I won't be posting on my blog again until I get back home, but I will try to post regularly to Instagram and Facebook, so I invite you to follow me there.

Until then, I hope you find some time to enjoy yourself and sew awhile.


  1. I love your new patterns Pam, congratulations. Have fun at quilt market.

  2. Gorgeous new patterns!! You can't beat a good nine personal favourite!!

  3. Great patterns, Pam. Love the idea of different sizes. Tiny is my personal favorite too but I know not everybodys. Will look forward to hearing about market.

    Charlotte S.

  4. Lovely! Starry,Starry Nines is my favorite. Hope you have a wonderful time at market!

  5. I know you had to be thinking of us confident beginners when you designed these wonderful quilts! Thank you SO Much for giving me a quilt pattern that I feel confident about doing! I can now do a Pam Buda quilt pattern!!

  6. Beautiful designs! Have a wonderful time at market!

  7. Love your 9-patch designs, Pam! Especially the tiny ones!! : )
    I'm actually thinking of doing a mini of Settler's Puzzle.
    Have a great Market experience!

  8. I am liking all these scrappy patches! I just finished Tussy Mussy with a pin money bunch of fat quarters, took it to my quilt group and they were in love with it and the story. Now I will take this nine patch pattern and maybe we can do a challenge! Have fun at market!

  9. Just bought it! LOVE IT!!! I sponser a quilt along on my blog, I just may have to do this one month! You up for that?

  10. Absolutley love these patterns - the humble 9-patch has done it again! Hope you had a fun time at quilt market - is it only a year since I met you there?!
