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Monday, March 14, 2011

Error By Omission

Dear Sweet, Kind, Understanding Quilting Friends,

I had one of those ~ Oh, NO!!!! ~ moments when out of the blue, it dawned on me that perhaps I left out some very important information from the Sugar Mountain pattern. Information you'd really need - kinda like to have - if making the quilt.  Horrified...I rushed to my computer, powered up Word, and scanned the pattern.  UGH!  DRATS!  CURSES!  I did forget!!!  I forgot to include the cutting instructions for the side, setting and corner triangles as well as the borders.  Geez, Pam.....(I said pretty words in my head I won't repeat here). 

So...if you printed the Sugar Mountain pattern the other day, it's now a liner for your birdcage.  My sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you!  I've added the needed information to the pattern and you can now download the new and improved Sugar Mountain pattern by clicking here!  Let's hope I never have to do this again!!  I feel awful.....so sorry.....I need to sit in time out......no cookies for me later......bad, bad Pam......


  1. Pam, quit beating yourself. To error is human. But the link does not work. Maybe it is just AOL???

  2. Hi Pat - I tested the link before I posted this morning and again now...it works for me. If you continue to have problems, email me and I can try sending it that way. Usually, a file with photos is too large to email. Sometimes, it helps to update your Adobe Reader.

  3. Hi Pam, I made my Sugar Mountain on the weekend, I figured the omission was just to get my brain to work and fend off dementia. I don't know if they are the same as your's but it looks pretty darn good.

  4. Link works fine for me. Love that little quilt. Like the song, "Sugar Mountain," too.

  5. Thank you for such a wonderful pattern. I did not download it until today and all worked well.
    Thank you for sharing your talents.

    Have a super great sewing day.
